IRIX 3.3 Question

Jeff Miller jcmiller at
Wed Aug 22 06:19:58 AEST 1990

Just a quick question about 3.3:

    I was interested in upgrading a 4D/20 system from 3.10 to 3.3 in a
couple of weeks and was wondering if anyone has had trouble installing the
new release on such a system. (hardware incompatibilities, etc.)

My system configuration:

Main unit
        IP6 motherboard:
	8Meg RAM
	Floating point option
	Archive Viper 150 (2150S) tape backup
	CDC 94171-344 SCSI hard drive

GR1.1 graphics board:
	GR1 Rev E
	Z-buffer option
	Bit plane option

I have heard about 3.3 not working on some PI's. Hopefully, it will work
with my current configuration. 8-)

Thanks in advance for any information!!

jcmiller at

**** I think not, therefore I am not...I think... ****

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