Just got an IRIS 4D/80GT

Tracy Schuhwerk evtracy at sdrc.UUCP
Sat Feb 17 01:05:59 AEST 1990

I just got an IRIS 4D/80GT in my office yesterday and now I am lacking
in toys/nifty applications/stuff (but the trade was pretty good... an
IBM PC/RT for the 4D/80GT!).  I was wondering if some of the SGI fans
out there would see fit to mail me nice PD applications that they can
find the time to scrape up.  I have all of the nifty demo stuff and a
few other things but not much other than that.  I am looking for a
VT100 emulator (so I can use the IRIS to get on the VAXs and edit things).

Thanks in advance!

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