simultaneous selection of items from popup menus
drzymala at POLLUX.WUSTL.EDU
Thu Mar 15 06:42:29 AEST 1990
Dear IRIX users:
We would like to select multiple items from popup menus in our
application programs. Does anybody have any experience with selecting
mutiple items SIMULTANEOUSLY? We have only been able to figure out how
to select ONE item at a time, but this is inconvenient for our purposes.
We would like to call the menu from FORTRAN but C is OK. Also, we have
X-windows software, so we can use this as well. It would also be useful
to be able to specify where the menu will appear on the screen.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
Robert E. Drzymala, Ph.D. INTERNET: drzymala at
Radiation Oncology Center BITNET: drzymala at wunet.bitnet
510 S. Kingshighway Blvd. uucp: !uunet!wucs1!dinorah!drzymala
St. Louis, MO 63110
(314) 362-2629
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