File Server for SGI's

Jim Barton jmb at
Tue Mar 20 01:59:12 AEST 1990

In article <719 at cditi.UUCP>, caw at cditi.UUCP (Craig Westveer) writes:
> We are looking for a fast file server to host 15 - 20 4D machines.
> If anyone is using such a server or knows of a good server
> please mail me the information.
> 					   Thanks    caw

Well, you know SGI makes file servers that are fast, and they tend to
work quite well with SGI workstations. Of course if 160 MIPS, 20Gb, lots
of fast networking and very cheap isn't good enough for you, I suppose
you could spend a million dollars on something else.

-- Jim Barton
   Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
   jmb at

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