Exabyte drive (Non sgi supplied)

Mark Bradley markb at denali.sgi.com
Wed Mar 7 04:21:58 AEST 1990

In article <7016 at ubc-cs.UUCP>, buchanan at cs.ubc.ca (John Buchanan) writes:
> My guess is that I simply set it up as a quarter inch drive and let the 
> SCSI driver handle the rest.  This is probably incorrect, but it seems like
> a good place to start.  Does any one have any better advise?
1st, be running 3.2 s/w release.  Next, address the drive as 6, preferably.
Next, look in /dev/mt.  There will be several devices with 6 as the address.
there are nr, ns, and v and combinations thereof.  All will talk to the
Exabyte drive...   There are *some* drives that give back a vendor specific
string on an inquiry, and there is some problem talking to the drive if 
that is so, as the s/w has no way of `knowing' what the heck it is.


Mark Bradley				"Faster, faster, until the thrill of
I/O Subsystems				 speed overcomes the fear of death."
Silicon Graphics Computer Systems
Mountain View, CA 94039-7311		     ---Hunter S. Thompson

 Disclaimer:  Anything I say is my opinion.  If someone else wants to use it, 
             it will cost...						       

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