Hot line

Prof. David F. Rogers dfr at CAD.USNA.MIL
Thu Mar 15 07:20:30 AEST 1990

G'day Lara,

Also no offense but you are also wrong. I'm up by 0700 and in the
office by 0830. However, I have these funny things called classes
that DO take precedence. My systems programmer for family reasons
doesn't get in 'til 0900. Some of us like to try to accommodate
those that work with us.

I also always give my home telephone number when contacting the
Hot Line because of the time difference. Yet to receive a call.

If I were running a company that had as large an installed base
as SGI does on the East Coast on the West Coast, I would definitely
keep my `Hot Line' open till 8PM for them. Especially, if I charged
money for it!!!

My comment about an email `Hot Line' still stands.

Dave Rogers

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