How Many Gray Scales ...

Reinhard Doelz doelz at
Mon Mar 26 03:42:58 AEST 1990

The problem seems to be that the graphics you print with tops 
are rgb graphics, thus being converted into a hex dump without 
having had the chance to be converted to black and white first.We
are experiencing the same problem with a printserver from DEC.

Even if you get a linotronic I'm afraid things wouldn't be 
much better. We use tobw in order to get black and white first, 
and this, then, is tops'd into the final postscript dump. However, 
using small steps , e.g. a hardcopy of flight simulator's sunset, 
you will still see steps. Playing around with the pixel 
pattern doesn't improve the result very much. What we can 
do on the printserver is that we gonna print A3 format which 
is photographically reduced afterwards, giving a better resolution 
per pixel. 


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