Hot Line

Tony Facca fsfacca at AVELON.LERC.NASA.GOV
Wed Mar 14 23:51:10 AEST 1990

> "Prof. David F. Rogers" <dfr at>  writes:
> I have long recommended and still recommend an electronic mail Hot Line.
> This solves the time zone problem and significantly increases the
> interaction for those of us who have email access. Why is SGI so

I second this recommendation.  I can't see that it would require an inordinate
amount of time on SGI's part to establish an e-mail Hot Line.  We could mail
problems "in our own words" and include system error messages.  This may even
cut out some lead time as the Hot Line personnel won't have to take all this
information down.  

When the e-mail gets to SGI, it can still receive a message ID number which can
be mailed back to the requester to let us know that the mail has been received
and is being worked on.  

Works for me.

Tony Facca                     |     phone: 216-433-8318
NASA Lewis Research Center     |    
Cleveland, Ohio  44135         |     email: fsfacca at 

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