Hot Line

Reinhard Doelz doelz at
Wed Mar 14 21:31:23 AEST 1990

ahem ... in Europe the situation is not crtitical. It is no 
problem to contact the next SGI *sales* office.

The only problem here (in Switzerland) is that support issues 
are piped through numerous 'specialists' unless they reach ISO 
in the U.S. if they get there at all. Which means that you will 
get any *reply* within short time (sometimes a day, sometimes 
six months), but you can be nearly sure that you will 
not get an *answer*.

The SGI support in Switzerland is miserable! There are a few 
guys there who do their best but can't work because they
don't have equipment/experience on hand. My best source of 
information so far have been SGI engineers who replied on my problems
posted on this bboard, either by reposts, or by direct mail. 
I really appreciate this kind of support and I don't want to 
miss it!

- Reinhard

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