appletalk on UNIX

Bruno Pape root at sgzh.uucp
Tue Mar 27 18:34:03 AEST 1990

In article <253*doelz at> doelz at (Reinhard Doelz) writes:
>Some time ago, this message has been posted: 
>> From:       Jim Howard <KGJHH at ASUACAD.bitnet>
>> Subject:    Columbia Appletalk Package
>> Has anyone succesfully installed the Columbia Appletalk Package on
>> a 4D series Iris? The package allows Mac users to view the Unix system
>> as a file server and the Iris user the Laserwriters as Unix printers
>> (via a Kinetics box).

The problem of sharing LaserWriters on AppleTalk networks with UNIX workstations
can be solved rather cheaply and effectively by using one of the AppleTalk
Expanders available from:			Local Supplier:

		Inventab Products AB		WBS W. Buck
		Aldermansgatan 10		Bahnhofstr. 30, Postfach 253
		222 36 Lund			8157 Dielsdorf
		Sweden				Tel. 01/853-33-33

And to quote from the box,

"The LaserAccess is a high-speed interface allowing computers with a serial
interface to be connected to LaserWriters on LocalTalk.  LaserAccess allows
any computer with a RS-232 interface and a PostScript driver to use and
share LaserWriters on LocalTalk just like a Macintosh."

It might cost something like 1000 SFr.

I use one connected to a Sun as a network printer, and I'm a happy user.

BTW I would not wish a Unix filesystem on any normal Mac user.


	-- If I don't have a quote for the day do I
	   have to sit in the back of the class again?

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