appletalk on UNIX

Reinhard Doelz doelz at
Tue Mar 27 00:52:23 AEST 1990

Some time ago, this message has been posted: 

> From:       Jim Howard <KGJHH at ASUACAD.bitnet>
> Subject:    Columbia Appletalk Package

> Has anyone succesfully installed the Columbia Appletalk Package on
> a 4D series Iris? The package allows Mac users to view the Unix system
> as a file server and the Iris user the Laserwriters as Unix printers
> (via a Kinetics box).

Apparently no experience- at least no postings here so far. 
I'd like to do it myself, but I don't know where to get it from. 
Any help on ftp servers , mailbox adress etc. appreciated. 

- Reinhard 

    Dr. Reinhard Doelz            *     EAN     doelz at
      Biocomputing                *     DECNET  48130::doelz
Biozentrum der Universitaet       *     X25     psi%46211142::embnet
   Klingelbergstrasse 70          *     FAX     x41 61 256760
     CH 4056 Basel                *     TEL     x41 61 253880 ext 888

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