appletalk on UNIX
Tim Monks
tim at merlin.bhpmrl.oz
Wed Mar 28 14:39:16 AEST 1990
>From article <253*doelz at>, by doelz at (Reinhard Doelz):
> Some time ago, this message has been posted:
>> From: Jim Howard <KGJHH at ASUACAD.bitnet>
>> Subject: Columbia Appletalk Package
>> Has anyone succesfully installed the Columbia Appletalk Package on
>> a 4D series Iris? The package allows Mac users to view the Unix system
>> as a file server and the Iris user the Laserwriters as Unix printers
>> (via a Kinetics box).
We have had CAP up and running for about 12 months now, and use it all the
time for printing (papif). The following is my summary I regularly mail to
other users asking for guidance on building CAP. Note - we haven't bothered
building the file server part of CAP (aufs) because we find NCSA telnet
and ftp quite adequate. Secondly the configuration I mention is quite
specific to our own small LAN, take those parts of the notes for guidance
only, and build in your own site addresses and node numbers.
Good luck,
---------------------- NOTES ON BULDING CAP ON SG MACHINES ------------------
Here is some information on our SG + Kbox + KSTAR + CAP setup which may be
of help to you in getting papif up and running.
- Class B ethernet with 0xfffff00 subnetting
- Various Apollos, VAXen, Silicon Graphics & Ethercard Macs hanging
off this network (+ some other junk) together with a Kinetics
FastPath 4 with rev 4.1 PROMS.
- A FastPath4 running KSTAR rev 4.1 with the following configuration:
LocalTalk Side:
Zone Name IPADA group
Net Number 2
Node Number 220
Ethernet Side:
Zone Name BHP-ETH
Net number 1
Node Number 166
UDP Side:
Zone Name BHP-ETH
Net number 3
Node Number 243
IP Info:
IP Address of KFP
IP Subnet mask
Broadcast Address
IP address of router
IP Address of admin
No servers, routers, administrators
No option flags set nor option parameters.
- atalk.local has the following :
# /etc/atalk.local configuration file
# host's appletalk network, node and zone (Ethernet side)
3 240 BHP-ETH
# bridge's appletalk network, node & IP address (UDP side)
3 243
- cap.printers has the following :
# These are all the same printer
mozart=IPADA Laserwriter :LaserWriter at IPADA group
PostScript=IPADA Laserwriter :LaserWriter at IPADA group
ps=IPADA Laserwriter :LaserWriter at IPADA group
- /etc/services has the following UDP ports declared :
rtmp 769/udp
nbp 770/udp
echo 772/udp
zis 774/udp
These are the old style mappings which the current KSTAR version
supports. Sometime in the future these may have to be changed to
201, 202, 204 and 206 but I don't know when.
We have not got the AppleTalk Adminstration Daemon atalkad running on
the SG (because we haven't got a copy of this :-(, but I believe that
this daemon is only required for KIP and not KSTAR. I believe that
atalkad serves two purposes. The first one is to let KIP-equipped Kboxes
and all other gateways know where all the AppleTalk nets are - the AT to IP
mapping. Secondly (and separately), when you're running IP-in-AT
(CAP is AT-in-IP), i.e. running NCSA Telnet to log into the Unix machines
from the Mac, every Kbox needs to know which IP addresses the other boxes
are using or it stomps (claims) them. This is not a bug, but a result of
the protocol.
1. Applied patch0004 in ./bugs as this seemed relevant to papif.c.
There was also another patch that came across USENET News on papif.c
from Jeff Stearns so I applied this as well.
2. Changed cc def in to include the flags
-I=/usr/include/bsd -lbsd
3. Changed cc def in to include the flags
-I=/usr/include/bsd -lbsd
4. Changed defs of several things in the Configure script, namely :
PNM=/bin/nm ----> PNM=/usr/bin/nm
/lib/libc.a ----> /usr/lib/libc.a
ETCDEST=/etc ----> ETCDEST=/usr/local/lib/cap
lpd="bsd" ----> lpd="lp"
[libspecial],[] ----> [libspecial],[-lbsd]
[sysvinstall],[] ----> [sysvinstall],[yes]
(had to edit all the Makefile.m4
scripts to remove the final
$(DESTDIR) from the install line.)
[capprinters] now points to /usr/local/lib/cap/cap.printers
[pstextlocal] now points to /usr/local/lib/ps/psrev
(had to edit appli*/papif/Makefile.m4
to escape the quotes in the defn. of
5. Added the following lines to netat/compat.h
#define sigblock sighold
#define sigsetmask sigrelse
6. Because the SG is a BIGENDIAN machine had to remove the definition
of SWAPBYTES in netat/abnbp.h
7. In file lib/afp/afposlock.c undefined F_OK, X_OK, W_OK & R_OK
before including the types.h file because otherwise these were
redefined giving a compilation warning.
8. Possibly a few other things I haven't remembered...
9. Ran Configure with standard BSD and WITH output to LaserWriter
Doing this I successfully compiled the libraries, all the sample programs
and papif & lwsrv (aufs crashed with fsync & initgroups undefined on linking
aufs...) I have been told the following ...
fsync() is the BSD system call for guaranteeing that all in-memory disk
buffers associated with a particular file is written out to disk. There
is no System V equivalent to it. Generally, this call is not required
since Unix takes care of most of the disk/memory synchronization operations.
The only cases where programs explicitly calls fsync() is for reliability
purposes (e.g. sendmail uses it to make sure mail messages are on disk
before acknowledging receipt of it). If you are willing to forego that
reliability (it really is only important if the system crashes during the
fsync() operation anyway), you can probably just comment it out. If you
are willing to pay a fairly high price (performance-wise), you can use the
sync() function in System V, which flush *all* disk buffers for *all* files.
initgroups() is another BSD-specific feature. In BSD Unix, a user can be
in several groups simultaneously. For example, if there are two files A and
B, where A is protected to be readable only by group "staff" and B only by
group "operator", the user can access both these files if he belongs in both
groups. In System V, a user can only be in one group at a time. He can
access file A if he is in group "staff", but he must execute the "newgrp"
command before he can access file B. initgroups() is the function which
adds group identifications to a process when it is activated (for example,
at login time or remote shell execution time). Since System V does not
support multiple simultaneous group access, you can just comment that out.
If you've got this far now you can get into the hairy bits of SYSV lp spooling.
But it will should give you what you want: the ability to spool output to a
LaserWriter sitting on a localtalk net from your SGI machine thru a kbox.
Here is a sketch of what it takes.
- You must have the TRANSCRIPT package by Adobe or something
similar (We have the SG laser support utility - however there
are PD progs around which do the same thing). papif uses
routines from this package to wrap PS prologues around non-
PostScript ie. ASCII files.
- Use the mkPS script (which came with the SG Laser support util)
to make a spooled printer known to the lp spooler. Then hack
the interface file so data is shunted out to the papif filter
and not to some serial port. If you get stuck here I can give
you the scripts I generated which work for us.
Good luck - CAP was a cantankerous beast to get going, however its been
working for us trouble-free (touchwood) for several months now. If you
need any help give me a yell.
------------------END OF NOTES ON BULDING CAP ON SG MACHINES ---------------
> Apparently no experience- at least no postings here so far.
> I'd like to do it myself, but I don't know where to get it from.
> Any help on ftp servers , mailbox adress etc. appreciated.
> - Reinhard
> ************************************************************************
> Dr. Reinhard Doelz * EAN doelz at
> Biocomputing * DECNET 48130::doelz
> Biozentrum der Universitaet * X25 psi%46211142::embnet
> Klingelbergstrasse 70 * FAX x41 61 256760
> CH 4056 Basel * TEL x41 61 253880 ext 888
> ************************************************************************
As a last resort I can mail uuencoded shar files of the original CAP
listings, but I'd prefer not to clog up the network any more than I've done
already :-)
Dr. Tim Monks
Image Processing & Data Analysis Group | (direct) (+61-3)566-7448
BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories | (switch) (+61-3)560-7066
245 Wellington Rd, Mulgrave, 3170, | (fax) (+61-3)561-6709
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