Random window death

"Gary S. Moss", VLD/VMB moss at BRL.MIL
Tue Mar 20 03:49:09 AEST 1990

I don't know if this is a related problem or not, but executing the postScript
procedure RestartMostThings from /usr/NeWS/lib/NeWS/init.ps, available as a
"restart" selection on my root menu, will cause the console window to go away,
but leave the wsh process running.  This unmapped "wsh" causes the console
window to fail to come up, though no error message is evident, on subsequent
attempts to start up a console.  Killing the "wsh" process explicitly (i.e.
by exiting the shell or killing the window via the window manager's frame
controls), will fix/avoid this problem.  Also, logging out of the console
kills the process.

For your reference, below is the procedure in question:

    /RestartMostThings { % kill all windows then start up RestartActions
        { /destroy self send } AllWin
        { /destroy self send } AllChest
    } def

It appears that the console-specific option to wsh ignores whatever signal
is used to kill the processes running in the windows.

Can anyone at SGI shed light on this problem?

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