
Mike Gigante mg at GODZILLA.CGL.RMIT.OZ.AU
Sat Nov 24 04:36:50 AEST 1990

On Berkeley multiple groups, I would like multiple groups to be active 
automatically. As I understand it from reading the release notes and the manual
entry for 'multgrps', it is started as a subshell just like newgrp(1)

I suppose I could just put multgrps in /etc/passwd, but that seems crazy
I would have to manually set the env variable SHELL back to /bin/csh
in the .login (or whatever)

(I just tried changing a user's login shell to /bin/multgrps and it
just started eating CPU time and didn't successfully login.)

Any other suggestions? Is there any intention of making multiple group
support the default?

Mike Gigante, RMIT Australia

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