SGI's migration to X
Joe Fulson-Woytek
joe at etac632
Sat Sep 1 06:32:27 AEST 1990
In article <SLEHAR.90Aug31102639 at> slehar at (Steve Lehar) writes:
#Yes they do, but what about if I am WRITING the application? I can
#make my program receive the -geometry flag (or reasonable facsimile)
#but what do I DO with that information? When I open my XWindow I use
#the call
# win = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, screen),
# xsh.x, xsh.y, xsh.width, xsh.height,
# bw, vTemplate.depth, InputOutput, visual,
# valuemask, &attrib);
#Note that there is no argument for x and y screen location! How do I
#tell this XWindow where to appear?
The routine XSetStandardProperties can be called after the XCreateWindow
(we use XCreateSimpleWindow but it shouldn't matter). There is an XSizeHints
struct which includes the position and size. Be sure to set
the flags parameter to USPosition. The helloworld program in the
"Introduction to the X Window System" by Oliver Jones shows an example
of this which we used (except in the book the flags is set to PPosition
which won;t work on the Iris. If you email me I could send you a helloworld
type program which demonstrates this.
Joe FUlson-Woytek
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