September 1990 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Sep 1 00:15:42 AEST 1990
Ending: Sun Sep 30 17:37:32 AEST 1990
Messages: 496
- Imaginary PIs
Frank Perdicaro
- SGI's migration to X
Steve Lehar
- SGI's migration to X
Gary S. Moss VLD/VMB <moss>
- SGI's migration to X
Tim Moore
- togif or tomac
Nagesh Murthy
- SGI's migration to X
Mike Yang
- Can a SGI 2400 run without a color monitor?
Tajen Liang
- Can a SGI 2400 run without a color monitor?
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- NetVisualyzer from SGI
Tony Farrow
- SGI's migration to X
Keith Bierman - SPD Advanced Languages
- Micro Emacs on IRIS
Mike Goss
- SGI's migration to X
Gretchen Helms
- SGI's migration to X
Joe Fulson-Woytek
- SGI's migration to X
James Helman
- What is your StereoView aspect ratio?
Steve Dempsey
- image conversions....
Michael Zeitlin
- emacs, the final chapter -- I hope
Mark Young
- bounced mail
Brendan Eich
- SGI's migration to X
Mike Yang
- NetVisualyzer from SGI
Vernon Schryver
- GIF file sites
ae504pw at
- "getcwd" vs. "getwd" (was Re: Re GNU emacs 18.55)
Guy Harris
- "getcwd" vs. "getwd" (was Re: Re GNU emacs 18.55)
Dave Olson
- "getcwd" vs. "getwd" (was Re: Re GNU emacs 18.55)
Guy Harris
- GIF file sites
- SGI's migration to X
Steve Lehar
- bounced mail
Aaron Schuman
- bounced mail
Aaron Schuman
- Sound for Iris 4Ds
david pratt
- SGI's migration to X
Mike Yang
- Imaginary PIs
Loren Buck Buchanan
- GL Lighting POSITION
Kathy Kuba
- New IBM Graphics Workstations
Kathy Kuba
- Saving Screen to file
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- Question about Personal IRIS
Yukio Yagi
- zdraw
Tim Hall
- Unblessed patches for SGI/IRIX 3.3 (was Re: X11 R4 on SGI)
James Helman
- Sound for 4Ds (other then PIs)
david pratt
- 8mm Backup strangeness
Yates, John H.
- 8mm Backup strangeness is on IRIX 3.3
Yates, John H.
- .4sight and X
Mark Callow
- SGI's migration to X
Mark Callow
- zdraw
Kurt Akeley
- Question about Personal IRIS
Jim Bennett
- Rampaging Software Installation
Andrew Hume
- SGI's migration to X
Jeremy Webber
- Backup Strangeness
Mike Mitchell
- Alpha blending ...
Gautam Mehrotra
- Alpha blending ...
Gautam Mehrotra
- Backup Strangeness [ Exabyte ]
Dave Olson
- Alpha blending ...
Robert Skinner
- SGI's migration to X
Phil Ronzone
- C++ on the Iris: who, what, where, when, how?
- Saving Screen to file (gl_readscreen will be replaced/isn't docu'd)
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- Where is kermit? (asks a new PI owner)
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- Alpha blending ...
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- Alpha blending ...
Gautam Mehrotra
- vme board for personal iris
Bill Sakoda
- SGI's migration to X
James Helman
- 8mm Backup strangeness
Clint Greene
- Another bug or feature question... popup menus
Tim Hall
- SGI's migration to X
Robert Skinner
- PC-NFS problems
Roberto Togneri
- SGI's migration to X
Mark Callow
- Rampaging Software Installation
Vernon Schryver
- 8mm Backup strangeness (my own query, my own solution)
Yates, John H.
- broken finger
Yates, John H.
- About SMD's and IPI's, again.
Bruno Pape
- Cleaning bit-planes
Stephen Boyd Gowing II
- KeyMapping on 3000
Yan Xiao
- SGI's migration to X
Patrick-Gilles Maillot
- New IBM Graphics Workstations
Robert Skinner
- What is your StereoView aspect ratio?
Thant Tessman
- New IBM Graphics Workstations
Dave Ciemiewicz
- Sources for 3rd-party SGI disk drives?
Christopher Gunn
- Questions about Personal IRIS
Yukio Yagi
- Alpha blending ...
Thant Tessman
- GL Lighting POSITION
Kurt Akeley
- ...
Frank Eeckman
- Sources for 3rd-party SGI disk drives?
Michael Mcneill -Visualization
- (none)
netmgr at
- About SMD's and IPI's, again.
Mark Bradley
- PC-NFS problems
Jack P. Weldon
- SGI's migration to X
James Helman
- About SMD's and IPI's, again.
Chris Wagner
- ...
David R. Blythe
- SGI's migration to X
David R. Blythe
- Programmatic gclear call...
Gary Trimble
- Looking for a source for 150 meg tapes...
Tim Anderson
- Want more software on your IRIS?
John Edelson
- 3.3.1 fixes fortran bugs
Peter Jaspers-Fayer
- Help: 32MB in PI25
Trevor Coulson
- Backup utility; was: Re: PC-NFS problems
Peter S. Shenkin
- Opening console automatically?
Owen Baker
- Rampaging Software Installation
Peter Jaspers-Fayer
- NCAR Graphics 3.0
RIE at
- GNU interface to NeWS (ps-emacs) problem...
Senol Kucuk
- GNU interface to NeWS (ps-emacs) problem...
Senol Kucuk
- igif 2.0 part 1/2
George Phillips
- igif 2.0 part 2/2
George Phillips
- RTS-CTS bad on ttyf??
- Non Volatile RAM checksum error!!
Jeff Miller
- 1.2GB SCSI Disks?
Bruno Pape
- Help: 32 MB in PI25
Frank J. Nagy:VAX Guru,Wizard&Loose Cannon
- "debugger on IRIS 3130"
Dhekne c/o NCST
- Name server problems
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- GNU interface to NeWS (ps-emacs) problem...
Jeff Hanson
- Name server problems
Tony Facca
- mailing list
Werner Klee
- SGI's migration to X
Kurt Akeley
- NCAR Graphics 3.0
Bernard J. Duffy
- QMS QUIC Laser Printer support
Yates, John H.
- Backup Scripts for Iris 4D
Todd Tenenholz
- ATVISTA image format to SGI image
- QMS QUIC Laser Printer support
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- RTS-CTS bad on ttyf??
Vernon Schryver
- IRIX smongo available?
Yates, John H.
- Opening console automatically?
Christopher J. Hawley
- SGI's migration to X
Mark Callow
- ATVISTA image format to SGI image
Paul Haeberli
- Name server problems
- beware of novice!
David Boles
- Tex, Postscript, figures.........
Anil Kaul
- "debugger on IRIS 3130"
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- 1.2GB SCSI Disks?
Mark Bradley
- Is there a CPU meter for the SGI?
Dan Watts
- Non Volatile RAM checksum error!!
Wiltse Carpenter
- NeWS can't find host information for "cinnamon"
John M. Sullivan
- PD nroff (of sorts)
Dave Ciemiewicz
- What is "pseudorgb()"?
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- Sun DGA
Stephen Johnson
- time() vs gettimeofday()
- time() vs gettimeofday()
Dave Olson
- time() vs gettimeofday()
Vernon Schryver
- RTS-CTS retraction : NO PROBLEM.
- PD nroff (of sorts)
- Name server problems
Kevin Marinelli
- NCAR Graphics 3.0
Kevin Marinelli
- PD nroff (of sorts)
Mark Moraes
- PD nroff (of sorts)
Lennart Lovstrand
- Imaginary PIs [ clarification; desired i/o features ]
Dave Olson
- Unknown error codes
david pratt
- Possible C compiler bug?
Steve Lamont
- 1991 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
- FastPath/Gator Box and CAP
- Unknown error codes
Chris Wagner
- Possible C compiler bug?
David B.Anderson
- interfacing an Exabyte to a 4D/25
Dr. Larrabee Strow PHYS
- NeWS can't find host information for "cinnamon"
Todd Tenenholz
- interfacing an Exabyte to a 4D/25
Dave Olson
- 8mm tape media woes
Yates, John H.
- PI to Video Projectors
- REPOST - problems with pcnfs
Roberto Togneri
- NeWS can't find host information for "cinnamon"
Jim Bennett
- vmsbackup problem
Yates, John H.
- 8mm tape media woes
Dave Olson
- repost of problems with pcnfs
Roberto Togneri
- Wanted: RGB to PICT conversion utility
usenet news poster
- NeWS can't find host information for "cinnamon"
Andrew Cherenson
- Bash for 4D/25
nong at MCC.COM
- Benchmarking the SGI: Floating point faster than integer?
Rob Hooft
- VT100 emulator/Xterm keymappings
Dave Carek
- Driver Needed
vargas at
- rgb -> PICT
bruggink at
- Bash for 4D/25
Tom Weinstein
- Keyboard bell on 4D210
Dave Carek
- Polygonal Model for Human Skull
John Fwu
- GL Lighting POSITION
Kathy Kuba
- xterm
Lawrence R. Rogers
- Benchmarking the SGI: Floating point faster than integer?
Bron Campbell Nelson
- new user .cshrc file question
randy frank
- XBitmaps on PI
Louis M. McDonald
- Benchmarking the SGI: Floating point faster than integer?
- Benchmarking the SGI: Floating point faster than integer?
James Helman
- vmsbackup (again)
Yates, John H.
- What is "pseudorgb()"?
Robert Skinner
- Possible C compiler bug?
Robert Skinner
- Possible C compiler bug?
Robert Skinner
- Benchmarking the SGI: Floating point faster than integer?
Mark G. Johnson
- problem with compiling
Malgorzata Sturgill
- Quick QIC question
Jack Fowble
- Can't reply directly, so here goes :
- SGI's migration to X
David R. Blythe
- Font manager bug?
David R. Blythe
- Quick QIC question
Phil Dykstra
- Sun/SGI boot interference
Dave Cunningham
- Filter to convert X window dump images to IRIS images
Paul Haeberli
- Strange problem with CS-12 (running Wavefront)
R. Munroe
- Add David Netherway to info-iris mail list
ddavid at
- YP and subnets
phil at
- Tek 4200 emulation on a 3130?
- vmsbackup (again)
Mark Callow
- SGI's migration to X
Mark Callow
- Font manager bug?
Mark Callow
- Sun Color Raster to file to IRIS format
Louis M. McDonald
- IRIX 3.3
ahlstrom at
- Sun/SGI boot interference
Phil Dykstra
- Tek 4200 emulation on a 3130?
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- Sun/SGI boot interference
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- Mailing list
- (none)
raymond at CCU1.AUKUNI.AC.NZ
- Is there a CPU meter for the SGI?
Dave Ciemiewicz
- neurosciences modeling
Jean Starkey
- Sun/SGI boot interference
Dave Cunningham
- IRIX 3.3
Bob Green
- strange cron message
James D. Meiss
- PICTure This availability [was rgb->PICT]
bruggink at
- Font Manager Bug
Paul G. Kelaita
- /usr/etc/resolv.conf (and colors)
Peter Jaspers-Fayer
- Sun Color Raster to file to IRIS format
Paul Haeberli
- mt fsf command and bru backups
Scott R. Presnell
- Bash for 4D/25
Rajeev Jayavant
- 1991 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
Spencer W. Thomas
- Gator Box and CAP
- Looking for working version of Kermit for SGI-4D
Joe Cychosz
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies et. al.
Bill Lasher
- Kermit for the SGI Iris
Joe Cychosz
- fowarding mail
eugholz at ATHENA.MIT.EDU
- Default Swap Partition
Alain St-Denis
- fowarding mail
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- xterm key remapping
Dave Carek
- /usr/etc/resolv.conf (and colors)
Mark Callow
- 4Mb SIMMs in a 4D/25TG: Chips from some manufacturers don't work!
Chris Miller
- turning lighting on, off, on again
- Default Swap Partition
Dave Olson
- screen lock
Jody Winston
- logical volumes under 3.3
Robert Viduya
- GNU bash
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- Bash for 4D/25
Tom Weinstein
- TeX driver wanted
Earl Weaver, VLD/ASB
- Mouse cleaning
Robert Viduya
- SGI/X/Motif/OpenLook/etc
cs122ae at
- hidden line removal
Tim Hall
- Mouse cleaning
Steve Lehar
- Has anyone ported gcc to IRISes yet?
Paul Haeberli
- A problem with xhost?
dixons%phvax.dnet at SMITHKLINE.COM
- lack of symbol tables in sgi distributions
Geoff Collyer
- lack of symbol tables in sgi distributions
Dave Olson
- CPU Priority
- Audio
Rob Hooft
- 4MB SIMMs on 4D/25
Larry Thorne
- logical volumes under 3.3
Chris Wagner
- Lockscreen
Andrea Malagoli
- Mouse cleaning
Tim Anderson
- logical volumes under 3.3
David A Higgen
- 3.3 fortran problem
arritt at
- ANSI argument prototype extraction
- tcsh lf-cr problems...
- A problem with xhost?
Mike Yang
- flight with StereoView
M White
- xterm key remapping
James Helman
- EMACS for the Personal Iris
Steven J Flynn
- lack of symbol tables in sgi distributions
Bean Anderson
- Driver for Tek 4697?
Wayne Podaima
- Neural Network Software for the IRIS
John Edelson
- 2D Drawing Tools
- Need info on Lisp interpreters for SGI machines
Jeff Doughty
- sendmail on a 3130
Joel Tenenbaum
- Official patch #1 to igif
George Phillips
- Dave Tristram's Electro-Paint Productivity Tool
Paul Haeberli
- Dave Tristram's Electro-Paint Productivity Tool
tristram at
- Mouse cleaning
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- 2D Drawing Tools
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- Audio
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- Opening wshells upon startup
Wes Barris
- Electro Paint
Brent Thomas Corkum
- lack of symbol tables in sgi distributions
- Has anyone ported g++ to IRISes yet?
"J. John Fwu 483-8102", 713
- sendmail on a 3130
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- 2D Drawing Tools
Mark Moraes
- Question on QIC-150 tape usage
Dan Watts
- Opening wshells upon startup
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- lack of symbol tables in sgi distributions
Reuel Nash
- REPOST - problems with pcnfs
Bernard J. Duffy
- Emacs for the IRIS
Steven J Flynn
- lack of symbol tables in sgi distributions
Dave Ciemiewicz
- (lack of symbol tables in) sgi distributions
David M. Laur
- Computer Systems Technologies tape drives
Todd Tenenholz
- Personal Iris 4D/25 Parallel Port Pinout
Jack P. Weldon
- Wandering Icons
- Wandering Icons
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- SGI image to SCODL converter
Kevin Marinelli
- electropaint
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- Wandering Icons
Alain Dumesny
- Question on QIC-150 tape usage
Dave Olson
- Bad tapes again!!!!
James Helman
- electropaint
tristram at
- point sizes
Jim Blue
- Bad tapes again!!!!
Tony Facca
- Dave Tristram's Electro-Paint Productivity Tool
Mike Goss
- Mouse cleaning
Dan Watts
- tar not working as advertised
- electropaint
Martin Serrer
- MX record handling
gravishanker at
- Wandering Icons
Milton E. Tinkoff
- gdb on the personal iris
M. Guravage
- Wierd Telnet/Telnetd problem with Irix 3.3.1 and/or Unicos 5.1.10
Adam W. Feigin
- jot
Peter Jaspers-Fayer
- electropaint
Brian McClendon
- tar not working as advertised
Gary S. Moss VLD/VMB <moss>
- Lighting on the PI
James P. Loan
- Bad tapes again!!!!
- Wandering Icons
Dik T. Winter
- Filter to convert X Bitmap files to IRIS image file format
Paul Haeberli
- jot
Ron Fischer
- Another unofficial patch to X11R4 for SGI/IRIX 3.3
James Helman
- (none)
Charles Foley
- How to make serial line with modem work?
Jeremy Webber
- Dave Tristram's Electro-Paint Productivity Tool
Guido van Rossum
- electropaint
Dan Watts
- sendmail: expansion too long
Clifford B Miller
- Any news on AVS 3?
Christoph Ramshorn
- Take me off
Mike Medlin
- 3rd-party drives: summary of responses
Christopher Gunn
- jot
Charlie Towne
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
Lance M. Optican - LMO
- 3rd party hardware info needed
Amy Swanson
- vhand
Amy Swanson
- positioning mailbox
Tony Facca
- <None>
William Sherman -Visualization
- tar not working as advertised
Rajeev Jayavant
- Wandering Icons
Dik T. Winter
- 3rd party hardware info needed
Peter S. Shenkin
- 3rd party hardware info needed
steve lamont
- New 4D/35
Frank Taylor x
- 4D/70G -> 70/GT help
Kevin D. Baranski-Walker
- Swap Partitions (again)
Alain St-Denis
- Fun and games with ++ operators
- info-iris
Jan K. Labanowski | phone: 614-292-9279
- vhand
Chris Wagner
- electropaint
Ian Hoyle
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
Mark Callow
- Fun and games with ++ operators
nong at MCC.COM
- Bad tapes again!!!!
Bob Green
- cc
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- Frame grab from genlock optioN
Lou Harrison
- Wandering Icons
Mark Callow
- Info wanted on 4D/20
Bill Silvert
- driver for Mitsubishi S340-10 printer?
- Some bizarre compilation
Tim Hall
- Info wanted on 4D/20
cs122ae at
- 4D/70G -> 70/GT help
Brian McClendon
- 3.3 fortran problem
David R. Blythe
- Mouse cleaning
David R. Blythe
- Emergency shutdown and NFS
Dan Watts
- 3.3 fortran problem
Philip D. Jeffrey
- mailbox
Michael Zeitlin
- 'drive faulted' error message
- mkdepend 3.3.1 question.
- bsd mail behavior
- Window Frame Frowns
- Info wanted on 4D/20
- workspace
Michael Zeitlin
- mailbox
robertl at
- Info wanted on 4D/20
cs122ae at
- Info wanted on 4D/20
cs122ae at
- Info wanted on 4D/20
cs122ae at
- 3.3.1, qic 24, 600 ft. tapes, and distcp
Bruno Pape
- Info wanted on 4D/20
Bill Silvert
- Info wanted on 4D/20
steve lamont
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
M White
- lighting model pandemonium
Scott the Great
- 'drive faulted' error message
Jeremy Higdon
- Info wanted on 4D/20
cs122ae at
- Bash for 4D/25
Tim Hudson
- How to make serial line with modem work?
Vernon Schryver
- 3.3.1, qic 24, 600 ft. tapes, and distcp
James Helman
- New 4D/35
Frank Taylor x
- IRIX fsck
Frank Perdicaro
- Info wanted on 4D/20
Peter S. Shenkin
- 3.3 C Weirdness
Eric Pepke
- mailbox
Jim Bennett
- 3.3.1, qic 24, 600 ft. tapes, and distcp
Bruno Pape
- making shared libs
- Emergency shutdown and NFS
Peter Jaspers-Fayer
- Lockscreen
Larry Seeley
- mailbox
Eva Manolis
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
Mark Callow
- 'drive faulted' error message
- mailbox
Eva Manolis
- Serial Port Jack Test
- panel lib scripting hack mods
- making shared libs
James Helman
- Dial Boxes
- Help on setting UUCP <--> Internet
S. Charles Chang
- X11R4 on SGI/Personal Iris
Daniel E. Wollman
- 3.3 C Weirdness
David B.Anderson
- 3.3 fortran problem
David B.Anderson
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
James Helman
- Bug Report
John Grosh, IBD
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
steve lamont
- Bash 1.06 on 4D IRIS 3.1d --> system crash
Roberto Togneri
- Dial Boxes
- mailbox
Sjoerd Mullender
- iopen(???) arguments undocumented
- 3.3 fortran problem
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- Swap Partitions (again)
Alain St-Denis
- imake
Jim Blue
- Dans Hacks to Nasa Panel Library
- Fun and games with ++ operators
John Murray
- User Group in Atlanta
George Smith
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
arritt at
- xdbx on an IRIS
Wes Barris
- Amd5.3 ported to IRIX 3.3.1
Scott R. Presnell
- 1/2 inch Magnetic Tapes
Bruno Pape
- 3.3 fortran problem
Chris Wagner
- workspace
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- making shared libs
Guy Harris
- Pandora Password Problem, Perhaps.
Tony Facca
- gr_osview bug remains in 3.3.1
William Sherman -Visualization
- Incompatabilities between TG and GTX
Kian-Tat Lim
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
Jeff Hanson
- TFTP security or lack thereof & shared binaries
Len Zaifman
- Help with 1/2 inch Magnetic Tapes
Loren Buck Buchanan
- imake
James Helman
- Swap Partitions (again)
Wiltse Carpenter
- SGI csh glob vs. NeXT NFS (SGI 3.3 client, NeXT 1.0 server)
Stuart Levy
- Workstation Performance questions?
Shigeki Misawa
- Schedule for SGI Training courses, through June 1991
Mason Woo
- 3.3 C Weirdness
Eric Pepke
- Printing postscript files on a PI.
George Dabrowski
- SGI csh glob vs. NeXT NFS (SGI 3.3 client, NeXT 1.0 server)
Brendan Eich
- 'drive faulted' error message
Jeremy Higdon
- keyboard help for a novice
alex ho
- My history improvements
Lars Soltau
- dumb question about libgl.a and openwin()...
Cameron Simpson,Uhmmm..???? Who knows
- imake
Gary S. Moss VLD/VMB <moss>
- 3.3 C Weirdness
David B.Anderson
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
- Post Free or Die.
- popd
Anand Kolatkar
- 4MB SIMMs in a 4D/25
Larry Thorne
- Mail too hoppy !
- more sgi tcsh notes/comments/complaints
- 3.3.1 questions & complaints
William Sherman -Visualization
- POP3 server for 4D
Michael Kahn
- Optimization options in Irix 3.3 Fortran and C
David Hinds
- Pipe input file redirection.
- C program to import DXF or IGES.
Bob Creedy
- X server bug drawing XOR rectangles (3.3 on PI)
Guido van Rossum
- 1/2 inch Magnetic Tapes
Mark Bradley
- Amd5.3 ported to IRIX 3.3.1
John Chee Wah
- Pipe input file redirection.
Dave Ciemiewicz
- signoff
7817505 at TWNCTU01.BITNET
- Binary Programs on Info-Iris
Joel Tenenbaum
- PI emacs -- core dumps!
Seth Teller
- Pipe input file redirection.
John H Merritt
- Pinnacle Magneto Optical Disks
Finn Drablos
- Color Postscript dumps anybody???
To Thine Own Self be True.
- Pinnacle Magneto Optical Disks
Brent L. Bates AAD/TAB MS361 x42854
- dumb question about libgl.a and openwin()...
Jim Bennett
- Using the automounter with NIS (YP)
Adam W. Feigin
- HELP! Users can't log
Dipl agr Veronique Eyraud
- Pinnacle Magneto Optical Disks
William Sherman -Visualization
- Hollow Polygon Drawing Algorithm
- Looking for wave simulation software
Martin Serrer
- PI emacs -- core dumps!
- memory, 200 series
Byron Rakitzis
- 1024 x 768 video from Personal Iris?
Jeff Prothero
- Tar works, dd doesn't, Why?
Loren Buck Buchanan
- 3.3.1 questions & complaints
Jack P. Weldon
- Help with 1/2 inch Magnetic Tapes
Jeremy Higdon
- Position Available: 3D Graphics S/W Engineer
Gary Chappell
- 3.3.1 questions & complaints
Bernard J. Duffy
- Optimization options in Irix 3.3 Fortran and C
Bron Campbell Nelson
- rpc.{statd,lockd} problems
Scott R. Presnell
- 3.3.1 questions & complaints
Dana Treadwell
- Amd5.3 ported to IRIX 3.3.1
Dana Treadwell
- HELP! Users can't log
Paul Jackson
- PI emacs -- core dumps!
Larry Schuette
- (none)
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- help about instaling sony MO DISK UNIT
Pedro Faria Lopes
- emacs 18.55 on Silicon Graphics (>help!)
Scott Henry
- How do you determine Ethernet #?
Adam Porter
- 3.3.1 questions & complaints
Jason Heirtzler
- Hardcopy from 4D
Neil S Kenig
- PI emacs -- core dumps!
Vernon Schryver
- Wren VII
John Buchanan
- 3.3 mount problem
Jon Genetti
- Missing Software ?
Steve Van Gorder
- Requestion for Configurations: Unix Server System
Dave Taylor
- Hollow Polygon implementation (C source for same)
Gretchen Helms
- Missing Software ?
John Fwu
- 1024 x 768 video from Personal Iris?
Mark Callow
- NN simulator on Silicon Graphics?
David Demers
- Wierd Telnet/Telnetd problem with Irix 3.3.1 and/or Unicos 5.1.10
Andrew Cherenson
- Opening wsh windows upon login
Wes Barris
- Fun and games with ++ operators
Phil Ronzone
- Fun and games with ++ operators
Bent Hagemark
- emacs : commercial vs free
- Announcing gdiff
Brendan Eich
- TIFF, To and From
Hoh, Jan H
- 3.3.1 questions & complaints
Guy Harris
- How do you determine Ethernet #?
Rob Warnock
Last message date:
Sun Sep 30 17:37:32 AEST 1990
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:38:57 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).