Opening wsh windows upon login
Wes Barris
wes at
Sat Sep 29 07:27:12 AEST 1990
A short while ago, I posted an inquiry of how to automatically open
wsh windows upon login. A number of the responses were of the
"let me know when you find out" variety. Consequently, I am posting
the procedure I used to accomplish this.
Step 1: copy the file: /usr/NeWS/lib/ to your home directory.
Step 2: edit the file to include lines of the following variety:
%% first some default positions for a few common programs
(jot) 185 100 preforigin
(winterm) 135 180 preforigin
(winout) 75 200 preforigin
(transfer) 400 400 preforigin
(clock) 865 875 110 110 prefposition
(cal) 1000 800 preforigin
(MAIL) 136 130 preforigin
(mailbox) 705 868 preforigin
%% by default put up the demochest
/RestartActions [
{ (gamma 1.7) seqfork } % 1.7 is a good first guess
{ (demochest) seqfork }
{ (clock) forkunix }
{ (ical) forkunix }
{ (wsh -f Iris.8 -p20,20 -r500 -s24x80 -t"elm on uh" -c rlogin forkunix }
{ (wsh -f Screen.8 -p20,310 -r500 -s40x80 -t"$USER on
`hostname`") forku
nix }
{ (mailbox -S "`hostname`" -s 110) forkunix }
] def
/consoleStartsIconic /true def
And that's it! It looks easy enough once you see it. The problem is that
documentation explaining this stuff is poor. And don't you just love
that postscript? #8^)
PS. Thanks to those who lead me to this solution.
o o o o o o o . . . ________________________________ _____=======_____
o _____ |Wes Barris | | wes at |
.][__n_n_|DD[ ====_____ |Minnesota Supercomputer Center| |(612) 626-1854 |
>(________|__|_[_________]_|University of Minnesota_______|_|_FAX:_624-6550_|_
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The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. -- Bertrand Russell
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