Mouse cleaning

Steve Lehar slehar at
Mon Sep 17 09:16:19 AEST 1990

Re: problem with sticky mouse feet

I've found that scraping the felt pads  on the mouse occasionally with
a sharp knife seems to do the trick.  The sticky stuff is generally so
viscous that it does  not  impregnate the roots  of the felt hairs, so
that gentle scraping tends to roll  it off in  little chunks.   If you
have already treated the gunk with some kind of solvent, this scraping
may not work, since you may have dissolved the stuff  enough to let it
really soak into the felt.
(O)((O))(((              slehar at              )))((O))(O)
(O)((O))(((    Steve Lehar Boston University Boston MA     )))((O))(O)
(O)((O))(((    (617) 424-7035 (H)   (617) 353-6741 (W)     )))((O))(O)

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