ZUCCOLA gt3930c at prism.gatech.EDU
Fri Sep 21 09:48:22 AEST 1990

i'm posting the following for someone else, please send any pertinent 
info to meinke at max.gatech.edu. Thanx


I am using di3000 graphics from Precision Visuals. I would like to
dump my contour graph into a macdraw program.  As it stands I can do it, but
i lose resolution (numbers are hard to read, lines not crisp) 
when i print them off.  Any suggestions?  Also, I am having problems
simply annotating my graph, that's one of the reasons why i wish to 
put it into a macdraw type program so that i can edit it.  

Is there there a new version of gnuplot that does contours (irisplot
gives you contours but cant make postscript files i believe).

Thanks in advance.
 Gretchen Meinke 

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