RTS-CTS retraction : NO PROBLEM.
Sun Sep 9 11:25:53 AEST 1990
After checking all of the subtle possibilities, I was refered to
check the obvious: cables.
I tested my cables, and they seemed ok.
I then tested the ports with a paperclip (to loop back TD-RD, CTR-RTS,
and DCD-DTR ) and eliminate problems with cables. The problem persisted,
and pointed to inside the machine. I opened the back, and using a can
of contact cleaner, blew out lots of dust, dirt, and junk. Cleaned the boards
and the ribbon cable card edge connectors, and reassembled. the
problem was gone. My machine is well over three years old, gets moved
a lot, and has worked very dependable so that it is not opened up much.
Sorry for the fuss, and I am very happy with hardware handshaking at
high serial io speeds, > 9600 baud. I have been running test overnight,
and there have been no lost characters.
My thanks to Vernon Schryver, (who implimented RTS-CTS on the 4D machines)
for patiently holding forth that my problem was cables, even when I did
not think that it was the cause of the problem.
| karron at nyu.edu Dan Karron |
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York University Medical Center |
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