
Larry Seeley larrys at beowulf.JPL.NASA.GOV
Tue Sep 25 03:46:55 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep17.170536.27140 at midway.uchicago.edu> malagoli at oddjob.UChicago.EDU () writes:
>This is my first posting to the network. 
>I have developed a lockscreen utility for Irises 4D. It works
>on my PI. I am no expert C programmer, so I would appreciate
>receiving comments and/or revised versions of this program.

Works great for me too!  Very nice!

Possible minor problem if a user can rlogin into the PI.  Only one [lockscreen]
process at a time is active.  If a remote user starts [lockscreen], then it
seizes the monitor display.  (If a [lockscreen] process was already running, it
is killed.)  Now to unlock the screen you need the remote user's password.
(This also means any valid remote user can unlock the screen.)

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