New IBM Graphics Workstations

Robert Skinner robert at
Fri Sep 7 01:43:49 AEST 1990

In article <17450006 at hpfcdj.HP.COM>, kuba at hpfcdj.HP.COM (Kathy Kuba) writes:
|> > / hpfcdj:comp.sys.sgi / ciemo at (Dave
Ciemiewicz) / 12:10 pm  Jul 30, 1990 /
|> > 
|> > >     For comparison, SGI says a base IRIS 4D/50 with 8 bit planes does
|> > > 140K vectors/sec and 5.5K polygons/sec.  An IRIS with GTX graphics is
|> > > supposed to do 475K vectors/sec and 100K polygons/sec.
|> > 
|> 2D or 3D vectors?
|> Kathy

unlike some other companies nearby, SGI's benchmarks are *always* for 
*fully transformed and clipped 3D* vectors.

Robert Skinner
robert at

	Fish, he got a hook in his throat.
	Fish, he got problems.
			- Genesis

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