Alpha blending ...
Gautam Mehrotra
gautamm at
Thu Sep 6 05:06:59 AEST 1990
In article <1990Sep5.171056.23011 at> robert at writes:
>In article <1990Sep5.151623.12906 at>,
>gautamm at (Gautam Mehrotra) writes:
>|> Is there any way I can use the alpha blending hardware to display
>|> a possibly intersecting set of polygons ?? Since the polygons
>|> can intersect, I have no way of properly ordering them in z ...
>I can only assume from the phrase "no way of properly ordering them in z",
>that you are doing hidden surface elimination with the painter's algorithm,
>where you paint every polygon from the farthest to the nearest.
I am sorry I didn't make myself very clear -- I am trying to
do transparent( translucent ) surfaces -- therefore the alpha
blending. The problem is that if I use the z-buffer ( which I am
using), parts of intersecting polygons are not rendered at all ( the
part which lies behind values in the z-buffer). I can get this
portion if I re-render the polygon with the zfunction changed to
test for values of z GREATER than the values in the z-buffer.
However, I haven't been able to get the alpha values right. Does
anyone have any experience with this ?
Thanks once again !
>Hope this helps,
>Robert Skinner
>robert at
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