Wandering Icons

Dik T. Winter dik at cwi.nl
Fri Sep 21 06:16:11 AEST 1990

In article <2196 at charon.cwi.nl> dik at cwi.nl (I) write:
... <about some corrections to litewin.ps>

Alas, the corrections were not correct.  Although with these all would go well
if TidiState is First or Never, it would not go well if TidyState is Always!
Here are the correct corrections.  With these fixes to litewin.ps everything
works regardless the value of TidyState.  Replace the two procedures by:
    /DestroyIcon {
	UserProfile /TidyState get /Always ne Iconic? or {
	    IconX IconY /lift IconTiler send
	} if
    } def
    /TileIcon {
	Iconic? {
	    IconPlace /move self send
	} {
	    UserProfile /TidyState get /Always eq {
	        IconX IconY /lift IconTiler send
	    } if
	} ifelse
    } def
I should not post late at night!
dik t. winter, cwi, amsterdam, nederland
dik at cwi.nl

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