IRIX 3.3
Bob Green
bobg at
Fri Sep 14 01:10:56 AEST 1990
In article <30241 at>, ahlstrom at writes:
|> Ok, here's a quick question. All summer long, I've been hearing
|> about how wonderful 3.3 is. This is great news, except that
|> I've heard from several sources that the general release for
|> customers with hotline and software support was supposed to be
|> in August. It's now midway through September and we still
|> haven't heard a whisper. Has the release date been changed?
|> Are things just behind schedule? Any info would be most helpful.
|> Lee Ahlstrom
|> Center for Composite Materials
|> University of Delaware
|> ahlstrom at
Alas, our communication of when releases will be sent to the field needs
some improvement. We have been a bit apprehensive about publishing
a date for general distribution of 4D1-3.3 since it relied on an update
called 4D1-3.3.1. The update includes fixes for bugs found by our Geometry
Partners and our own general use. Predicting when and how many defects
will be posted and fixed has proven to be a major challenge.
In any case, the 4D1-3.3.1 update has been completed. Per a conversation
with the folks who control the logistics of shipping 4D1-3.3 with 4D1-3.3.1,
shipments started September 7 and should be done by September 14. With
a two day delivery cycle the software and documentation should be
delivered to the customers' sites no later than September 18. You may want
to poll your receiving departments for this delivery.
Bob Green
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
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