REPOST - problems with pcnfs
Bernard J. Duffy
bernie at
Wed Sep 19 03:21:00 AEST 1990
In article <robert.653010246 at zeus> robert%zeus at (Roberto Togneri) writes:
... 1st portion ... deleted ...
>Our setup consists of three IRISes running 3.1d and NFS. Connected
>to these are PC's running PC-NFS 3.0.1. The IRISes are cross-mounted
>via NFS and the PC's mount each root filesystem of the IRISes on
... delete text (rest of this question)...
I've got a 4D/25 with 3.2 Irix and PC-NFS (version unknown) and
that's been working for some time. The PC-NFS came as part of the
FTP Software (FTP is a company name). The FTP software was easy
to setup and it uses the NameServer BIND name-resolution routines. I
know nothing more about this setup beyond these comments.
>Another problem which I think has been covered is the incompatibility
>of NFS between IRISes and Suns. We can mount a Sun filesystem happily
>enough but the Suns can't mount the IRIS filesystems. The mount
>program returns a version mismatch diagnostic. Is this correct?
>Any solutions? Is this problem related to the above problem?
I ran into a similar problem with mounting NFS exported directories
from one machine to another. The problem was the "hostname" that was
being sent in the mount request was the short "one word" (titan1) and
the remote system needed that plus the next sub-domain piece (titan1.math
of The remote system was "" and
it added "" to the end of titan1 and got which
wasn't a valid node. This particular problem was from {Sta,A}rdent's
titan 3000 machine, but I would expect that this could happen to any
node that only uses 1 part names for their hostname (`hostname`) which
the SGI's love to do when using /etc/hosts name resolution. The fix
came from changing the software set "hostname" (/etc/init.d/tcp or
the like) so it used the two part name (hostname titan1.math). I
actually did it on that Titan machine by changing the NVRAM entry which
would be similar to changing the Prom Monitor's hostname environment
variable. I HAVEN'T DONE THIS on an SGI. Much of this single name
(the "only SGIs on the network" assumption) problems may have completely
disappeared with the name service setups.... I haven't converted our
current SGI's to that setup.
This is really a general comment on NFS mounts with other machines
that have different versions of NFS running.
>Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
>Dr. Roberto Togneri
>Dept. of EE Engineering ACSnet: robert at
>The University of Western Australia INTERnet: robert at
The IRIX 3.2's version of NFS seems to work as expected on these
and "showmount -e" commands. My particular problem was with another
machine type.
Hopefully all venders will catch up with the "best" NFS protocols
and features.
Bernie Duffy Systems Programmer II | Bitnet : BERNIE at UMBC2
Academic Computing - L005e | Internet : BERNIE at UMBC2.UMBC.EDU
Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County | UUCP : ...!uunet!umbc3!bernie
Baltimore, MD 21228 (U.S.A.) | W: (301) 455-3231 H: (301) 744-2954
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