Wierd Telnet/Telnetd problem with Irix 3.3.1 and/or Unicos 5.1.10
Andrew Cherenson
arc at thyme.wpd.sgi.com
Sat Sep 29 07:22:05 AEST 1990
In article <1882 at fcs280s.ncifcrf.gov> adam at ncifcrf.gov (Adam W. Feigin) writes:
>I just upgraded our Iris 4d machines to Irix 3.3.1, and I've got this
>bizzare bug/interaction with telnet and terminal characteristics, and
>I'm wondering where the problem is, and if anyone has seen this
>behavior before.
>From an Iris 4D machine, if I telnet into a Cray (X/MP, Unicos
>5.1.10), my terminal characteristics get all screwed up:
[Stuff deleteted]
>Internet: adam at ncifcrf.gov Adam W. Feigin
>UUCP: {backbonz}!ncifcrf!adam Senior Systems Manager
>Mail: P.O. Box B, Bldg 430 National Cancer Institute-Superconmputer Center
> Frederick, MD 21702 Frederick Cancer Research & Development Facility
There's a bug in the UNICOS telnetd. Here's the details:
> From: dab at berserkly.cray.com (David Borman)
> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 11:10:50 -0500
> The problem that is being seen with telnetd on Unicos 5.1.10 is due to
> a bug in the generation compiler, /usr/gen/bin/cc. There are two ways
> to solve this problem:
> 1) re-build telnetd with either /bin/scc or /bin/cc
> (slc.c is the affected module)
> 2) get mod e19534tcpa to change telnetd to work around
> the compiler bug. This is a critical bugfix mod, that
> should be applied to all 5.1.10 sites. The mod is real
> simple:
> *f usr/etc/telnetd/slc.c
> *d 518849tcpab.3
> register cc_t val;
> *d 518849tcpab.8
> register cc_t val;
> *d 518849tcpab.10
> register cc_t val;
> This changes the argument declarations in add_slc(), process_slc()
> and change_slc() from non-register to register. The bug is that
> if you have a function that takes three character arguments, and
> the first two are declared as register and the third not as a
> register, the value for the third argument will become the same
> as the value for the second argument.
> -David Borman, dab at cray.com
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