gr_osview bug remains in 3.3.1

William Sherman -Visualization wsherman at
Wed Sep 26 04:46:16 AEST 1990

I'm not sure if SGI is aware of this, but there is a problem with
gr_osview that has remained across a couple OS upgrades.  The problem
is with the movement of the strip charts.  The memory usage chart moves
at a different pace than the CPU usage, and CPU wait strip charts.  The
latter two move at the same speed, so it is easy to relate the info from
one chart to the other, but the memory goes about 2/3s the speed, so one
can only guess the relationship between its graph and the others.  It
would be nice if someone at SGI could put this one an upcoming upgrade

I would like to thank those responsible for fixing the problem with the
gr_osview not working remotely with nearby (in a network sense) machines.


/* Bill Sherman								*/
/* National Center for Supercomputing Applications			*/
/* University of Illinois						*/
/* Champaign-Urbana							*/
/*									*/
/* Internet: wsherman at					*/
/*									*/
/*   "You want to do mankind a real service?  Tell funnier jokes."	*/
/* 		Og							*/

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