Eva Manolis
eva at
Tue Sep 25 06:37:47 AEST 1990
In article <1990Sep24.174807.26980 at>, eva at (Eva Manolis) writes:
|> In article <9009222055.AA00571 at>, robertl at writes:
|> |>
|> |> > mailbox: Bad file number
|> |> > any ideas what's happening ??
|> |>
|> |> We had that too. In our case 'fam' couldn't be launched by
|> |> 'inetd' properly.
|> I little info on 'fam' here....
|> fam will NEVER do an 'ls -l' of a directory.
|> IF ( and only if) the directory is NFS mounted ( which seems to be
|> the case for Robert van Liere ) 'fam' will 'stat' the directory to
|> track changes. If the files reside on a local file system, there is
|> no polling ( no 'stats' ). fam works with events generated when the filesystem
|> is changed, so it's as cheap and low overhead as it can be.
|> For NFS directories and files, the stat's are every 3 seconds.
|> As far as having trouble starting fam, since fam uses inetd if the
|> machine is having network problems, fam will have trouble starting.
|> Also, inetd uses YP, so if you have YP configured on, you need to make
|> sure that the YP server knows about the 'fam' service.
|> ( a message will appear in /usr/adm/SYSLOG, to clue you in on fam problems)
|> To make sure YP is set up correctly, find out who your YP server is
|> % ypwhich
|> <some machine name here>
|> then, login onto your yp server, and make sure that the /etc/rpc file contains
|> a line in it that says
|> sgi_fam 391002
|> If it doesn't, add it.
|> Then ( as root )
|> % cd /usr/etc/rpc; make
Sorry, I meant
cd /usr/etc/yp; make
( and I've been informed, on new model suns, its
cd /var/yp; make
|> Everything should be ok now.
|> Have fun
|> -eva
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