3.3.1 questions & complaints

William Sherman -Visualization wsherman at newton.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Thu Sep 27 03:48:52 AEST 1990

I'll ask the question before I lose my audience.  With the new method
for starting up X manually, I'm having trouble getting an X application
begin automatically upon loging in.  My ~/.xSGINeWS.cmd file contains
the command "/usr/bin/X11/Xsgi -bs -pseudo", and I do an "xstart -c"
before starting the application.  I tried putting a sleep command between
the two, but that didn't help.  Any suggestions?

Okay, my first complaint is about something I'm sure SGI considers
a "feature."  I have some shell scripts to mount and unmount nfs'ed
disks to allow me to adapt to network problems, and machines going
down.  Of course only the superuser can do this, so the scripts are
owned by root, and the setuid bit is set.  Well, under 3.3.1, I'm
informed that "mount_x: Setuid shell scripts not allowed."  Is there
anything I can do to allow them?  If not, there should be.

I'm curious as to the reason the arrow keys on the numeric pad now
return the same key-codes as the four arrow keys grouped between the
keypad and the main section.  It seems that if people wanted them
to give the same codes, they could do key remapping in their user.ps.

How soon before we have to wait for a fix for mail?  I understand from
a friend, a problem with file-locking causes IRIX to think the mailboxes
are corrupted after the filesize is brought down to zero.  Is this a
serious enought problem to bring about 3.3.2?  I prefer to run mail
on the same machine I do most of my work on, rather than rlogining onto
some foreign system.

/* Bill Sherman								*/
/* National Center for Supercomputing Applications			*/
/* University of Illinois						*/
/* Champaign-Urbana							*/
/*									*/
/* Internet: wsherman at ncsa.uiuc.edu					*/
/*									*/
/*   "You want to do mankind a real service?  Tell funnier jokes."	*/
/* 		Og							*/

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