1/2 inch Magnetic Tapes

Mark Bradley markb at mark.Solbourne.COM
Thu Sep 27 09:20:30 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep25.160807.6878 at sgzh.uucp> root%sgzh.uucp at uunet.uu.net (Bruno Pape) writes:
>Hello again everyone,
>Today I would like to move a Cipher M890 or M891 1/2 inch magnetic
>tape drive with a Pertec interface from an IRIS 3130 to a PI.
>The first problem is that the VME connectors on the 3000 seem to be
>different than on the PI.  

That's because the VME connectors on the 3000 are not VME connectors.
They're Multibus connectors.

>The next one I can only guess would be a
>driver problem?

No.  You need the 772.  It runs this drive just fine.

>Can anyone help me out?  Would the Xylogics 772 1/2 mag tape controller
>work with that drive?  Should I just chuck it out the window and by a
>new SCSI drive?

Not if the old one still works...  Check the cost of a 772 vs. the SCSI
1/2 inch drive, tho.  It may be close to a `wash'.
>Thanks in advance,

Mark Bradley   (DoD#1100)		  Faster, faster, until the thrill
I/O Subsystems				of speed overcomes the fear of death.
Solbourne Computer, Inc.			--Hunter S. Thompson

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