panel lib scripting hack mods
Tue Sep 25 06:48:41 AEST 1990
I have finished (for the moment) my mods(hacks) of the pnl source
to permit scripting if external events as well as internal mouse events.
You can make tape scripts of whatever you feed into the
actuators -> val field to simulate user actions, and make a tape of
values on exit, which would include input forced values and user
mouse values.
The goal is to achieve device independence from dial-and-button box, space
balls, and my favorite gizmo, the 3space digitizer. This is done by
making the gizoid in question appear to the program as an actuator in the
panel library. If the gizmo is not there, you can mouse the appropriate
valuator. If the gizmo is there, the actuator will show you the incomming
data. If you want to wrestle with the incomming data, you can mouse
the actuator with the incomming data, but usually, the gizmoid wins.
The main purpose of this exercise is to be able to run my programs on machines
without gizmoids by simulating input from 1) scripts or 2)moused actuators.
Others have expressed an interest in this functionality, so you might
want to include this code in the library distribution. It is clearly
demarcated by #ifdef DANS_HACKS, and an aux file, DansScript.c. The
native pnl scripting is untouched. All of my external vars have my name(Dans)
someplace in them, so there should be little chance of a name space conflict
(just in case you forget who is responsible).
I have a little demo program, and I will send you the diffs and files if
you are interested. I also made some changes to allow the source to pass
through the ansified sgi cc compiler with the -prototypes flag.
Thanks for your help with the panel library.
| karron at Dan Karron |
| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New York University Medical Center |
| 560 First Avenue \ \ Pager <1> (212) 397 9330 |
| New York, New York 10016 \**\ <2> 10896 <3> <your-number-here> |
| (212) 340 5210 \**\__________________________________________ |
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