Unblessed patches for SGI/IRIX 3.3 (was Re: X11 R4 on SGI)

James Helman jim at baroque.Stanford.EDU
Wed Sep 5 06:21:52 AEST 1990

I only just discovered that the files I put out for anonymous ftp on
fresnel.stanford.edu got mixed up.  To all those who picked up the
file 4DX-patch2 and wondered why there weren't any diffs in it...
check again.  My apologies.

To recap, 4DX-patch2 contains a few very minor changes for compiling
X11R4 under IRIX 3.3.  4DX-patch1 consists of some changes for IRIX
3.2 and must be installed first.

All of these patches are completely unblessed.  Most of it has only
been tested on a 4D/220.

Jim Helman
Department of Applied Physics			Durand 012
Stanford University				FAX: (415) 725-3377
(jim at KAOS.stanford.edu) 			Voice: (415) 723-9127

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