Fun and games with ++ operators
Bent Hagemark
bh at
Sat Sep 29 08:49:37 AEST 1990
In article <1990Sep28.223417.7571 at> pkr at (Phil Ronzone) writes:
>In article <9009211425.AA04291 at> mike at SNOWHITE.CIS.UOGUELPH.CA writes:
>> printf("%d %d\n", a[i++], a[i++]);
>> Depending on the order of evaluation of function arguments, I would expect
>>this code to generate "6 5" or "5 6". But instead it says "5 5", which
>>confuses me a bit. Do all pre/post increment/decrement operators only
>>take effect after the current source line, or what? I did check the value
>>of 'i' on the next line, and it was indeed 2, so that part works.
>Such behaviour is ill-defined and I thought that K&R had an explicit warning
>about it. I.e., don't do that kind of stuff, especially in passing arguments!
>Philip K. Ronzone S e c u r e U N I X pkr at
>Silicon Graphics, Inc. MS 9U-500 work (415) 335-1511
>2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039 fax (415) 969-2314
The warning just happens to be on the most important page of K&R C.
For the 2nd edition this is page 53. I know this because a copy of it
is taped to my office wall right next to my screen!
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