SGI's migration to X

Phil Ronzone pkr at
Thu Sep 6 04:07:07 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep4.175023.20768 at> mikey at writes:
>|>   "you have to set the "override_redirect" thingy to True somewhere."
>This works, but is not the solution.  Setting the override_redirect
>attribute for a window is well-documented, and says that the window
>manager should not get involved.  When this happens, of course your
>window is placed where you wanted it.  But then, you can't do things
>like iconify it or move it.
>You don't need a Ph.D.  Sometimes, you just have to read the manual.

No, the original complaint was valid. It IS poorly documented. It took
me a while to find out about this, and "override_redirect" is a very
poorly explained thiny at that.

Philip K. Ronzone                  S e c u r e   U N I X           pkr at
Silicon Graphics, Inc. MS 9U-500                           work (415) 335-1511
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039            fax (415) 969-2314

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