Calling all C-men Again (typecast)
Jit Keong Tan
jit at
Sun Apr 14 13:25:06 AEST 1991
In article <9104131716.AA09142 at>
>Here is what the compiler says:
>karron:~/D.Bug:47make Bug
> cc -g2 Bug.c -lmalloc -o Bug
> ccom: Warning: Bug.c, line 38: Illegal pointer combination: pointer to array of
> float versus pointer to float
> point_list[0]= p->PointPointer->Vertex;
> --------------------------------------^
> ccom: Warning: Bug.c, line 59: illegal array size combination
> plane_list[0]=p->LinePointer->PlaneNormals;
> ------------------------------------------^
Usually if the compiler complains and that when I know I am right
(needless to say this is very important) I just typecast them.
It seems that your code is fine. This should be a bug in the compiler.
Typecast the following to the lines that complains should
keep the compiler happy.
point_list[0]= (float (*)[3])p->PointPointer->Vertex;
plane_list[0]=(float (*)[2][3])p->LinePointer->PlaneNormals;
To avoid too many keystroke repetition, or any typing error,
or to improve readability, (or to help my deficiencies about the
above skills) I usually do the following:
typedef float somename[2][3];
somename **plane_list;
is probably easier to read than:
float (**plane_list)[2][3];
Jit Keong Tan | internet: jit at
(919) 684-8098 | bitnet : tan00001 at dukemc.bitnet
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