Graphics Help Wanted
Rob Warnock
rpw3 at
Sat Jun 8 13:51:50 AEST 1991
In article <1991Jun4.205716.24230 at> markm at
(Mark Murcko) writes:
| We are just getting started with some graphics programming on
| the SGI. ...We are looking for any and all examples
| of "standard" graphics operations...
| We realize that the manuals do contain most or all that we
| need, but we are hoping that some kind person(s) can save us
| lots of grief by providing working examples...
Assuming you have the Development Option (dev.*), you will want to install
the "4Dgifts" package (dev.sw.giftssrc), which will drop a whole mess of
stuff in /usr/people/4Dgifts. Excerpts from the README file:
The subtree /usr/people/4Dgifts serves three essential functions:
First and foremost, it is the area where example code lives. In many
cases, the easiest way to become familiar with a library package is to
be able to study examples of how that package's routines can be imple-
mented. To generate executable programs from the source, go to the
directory you are interested, and either type "make<CR>"--which will
build an executable for every program in that directory--or type "make
filename<CR>" *without* the suffix (".c", ".f", etc.) for the specific
program you wish to study...
[...the directory] examples
has subdirectories with coding examples... listed in the document
"Graphics Library Programming Guide" (GLPG), Version 2, are included
in "glpg", C "grafix" programs, the four sample "light" programs dis-
cussed in Versions 1.0 and 1.1 of the GLPG, "nurbs" (Non-Uniform Ra-
tional B-Splines) sample programs, "network" (using 4.3BSD Internet
and UNIX domain sockets on IRIS) sample programs, a virtual
"trackball" implementation, "unix" programming samples, and a direc-
tory with "video" examples....
iristools has a super-set of the libraries, image processing utili-
ties, and tools that used to exist, prior to the 4D family-line, in
/usr/people/gifts/mextools. the two directories ~/iristools/libimage
and ~/iristools/libgutil contain the source used to build the libra-
ries libimage.a and libgutil.a. These two libraries are in turn used
to create executables in ~/iristools/imgtools and ~/iristools/tools.
..."sphere" which contains the source for mview (a molecule demo) which
shows how functions in the new sphere library--libsphere--are used.
The "tutorials" subtree contains a set of tutorial programs that, up
to now, were only available to those people who attended the Graphics
and Advanced Graphics classes taught by SGI. They do not cover every
part of the GL but the parts that are included--color, light, ortho2,
projection, basic drawing primitives, and modeling transformations--
are all implemented with a swank user interface that allows the user
to interactively change the different parameters in real-time and see
the effects these changes generate.
All of these subdirectories each contain README files to give you more
details regarding their contents.
Have fun!
Rob Warnock, MS-1L/515 rpw3 at rpw3 at
Silicon Graphics, Inc. (415)335-1673 Protocol Engines, Inc.
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94039-7311
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