VOGL Release
Bruce Robertson
labman at ecr.mu.oz.au
Sat Jun 15 20:12:23 AEST 1991
For all those trying to get VOGL from
gondwana.ecr.mu.OZ.AU []
We must appologise. Gondwana had a minor
mishap about 2 hours after we posted news
of our wonderful new piece of software.
All should be ok now,
please feel free to make any comments on
the suitability of our software to
echidna at gondwana.ecr.mu.OZ.AU
Bruce Robertson | labman at gondwana.ecr.mu.OZ.AU
Department of Engineering Computer Resources, | labman at
C/o Faculty of Engineering, | Besides; It's not the Principle
University of Melbourne, 3052. AUSTRALIA | of the thing, it's the money.
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