SGI CD ROM Program

michael zyda zyda at TROUBLE.CS.NPS.NAVY.MIL
Tue Mar 19 10:58:24 AEST 1991

Subject: SGI CD ROM Program

     Is there anyone intelligible at SGI who can explain the CD ROM
program? I had my fax machine filled up with 8 pages of garbage on this
program and an incomprehensible conversation on the telephone with someone
from the Customer Support Division on this.

     Concerns: the CD ROM is NOT available for the Powervision!!! It can
only be put on a Personal IRIS. The CD ROM drive HAS to be purchased
with the maintenance for the next year (so I have to send an order
that buys a piece of hardware combined with maintenance!).
What genius thought up this program?

     What I would prefer: separate the buy of the drive from the
maintenance, a rather simple request. It took 35 minutes of phone
conversation to wrestle this out and I still do not know if I am
going to get what I want. Also, teach the CD ROM people to get
it all onto 1 piece of paper, in a simple fashion. I don't need
8 pages of fax to accomplish what could be done on one page.


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