March 1991 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Mar 1 00:11:33 AEST 1991
Ending: Sun Mar 31 15:16:37 AEST 1991
Messages: 630
- Replacement for Iris fsplit
"Bob Bruccoleri 683-6165", 609
- Maxtor Tahiti Optical Disk Drive
"John A. Condon", TBD|BDB
- Remnant Shells
"John R. Anderson", VLD/ASB
- new sgi user. HELP!
Neal Rauhauser --
- 4DDN(DECnet) mail
- icut and RGB mode
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Terminfo entry for Sun
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- 4Sight .cutbuffer
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- network printing problem: spool uncleaned
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- setting up a tablet
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Hooking up a tablet
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Need disk controller from SGI 2400/3000 series
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Have a better lookat() ?
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Programming a printer driver (ARRG)
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- wsh Size=> Previous
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
- Help - unix to vax to unix to postscript output
Brent Bates ViGYAN AAD/TAB
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
mcdonald at AEDC-VAX.AF.MIL
- /debug again
eugholz at ATHENA.MIT.EDU
- The disk volume header... again
Shoshana Abrass
- Drawing into backplanes
Kurt Akeley
- Anti-aliased black lines?
Kurt Akeley
- How to keep background processes from slowing down my program
Micah Altman
- sproc(2) and winopen() together
Micah Altman
- Arenas
Micah Altman
- stdarg.h mostly broken
Chris Anderson
- Can I get more than 16M on a 4d70GT?
Michael E. Anderson
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Marc Andreessen
- .GIF pictures as window roots
Peter Anvin
- IRIS Showcase
Gregory J. Atchity
- SGI C ANSI-complient or not???
David B.Anderson
- Bug or feature of the level 2 C optimizer?
David B.Anderson
- stdarg.h mostly broken
David B.Anderson
- Recycling an old Iris
- Help - unix to vax to unix to postscript output
Ivan Bach
- using Font Manager routine in graphic object
Ivan Bach
- 380 MB disk
Brent Baker
- Portable Netware for SGI
Owen Baker
- Lighting on Powervision
Jean-Francis Balaguer
- IRIS XallocColorCells failure
Mark Bartelt
- My XAllocColorCells problem
Mark Bartelt
- lockf()/lockd problems
Mark Bartelt
- devforum
Mark Bartelt
- devforum
Mark Bartelt
- devforum hotel policy
Mark Bartelt
- point-to-point networks for PIs?
Mark Bartelt
- problems with "rsh tar"|dd
Mark Bartelt
- Multiheaded 4d? (I need more than one console)
Jim Barton
- Screen 2.1a now available for the IRIS
Jim Barton
- New product rumors?
Forest Baskett
- ASPLOS-IV Bonus SCI tutorial
Allen J. Baum
- ASPLOS-IV Bonus SCI tutorial
Allen J. Baum
- zbuffering and lrectwrite
Jim Bennett
- f77 REWIND bug
Jeffrey Biesiadecki
- 2D or 3D plotting program
David R. Blythe
- iopen arguments
David R. Blythe
- Help with GNU Emacs
David Boles
- Kyoto Common Lisp on 4D/310, has anyone done it ?
David Boles
- dks0d1s0: Out of space
David Boles
- Setting the date
David Boles
- GCC for SGI machines
Robert E. Brown
- Hot flight simulator
Chris Bryden
- Bug in gl WRT tie()?
Lee A. Butler
- color postscript files from .rgb files
Marie de C
- FAQ: sendmail and mail
Paul Pomes - UofIllinois CSO
- Perl 4.0 on the Iris
Paul Pomes - UofIllinois CSO
- noisy personal iris sound from /dev/audio
Mark Callow
- Problem with Pandora
Mark Callow
- overlay and window manager
Mark Callow
- Mirroring in Showcase
Dave Carek
- How to use DEC VMS from SGI telnet window running as iris-ansi-net type
Dave Carek
- SGI C++ 2.0 Polymorphic Reference Bug
Jeff Carey
- SGI C++ 2.0 Polymorphic Reference Bug
Jeff Carey
- SGI C++ 2.0 Polymorphic Reference Bug
Jeff Carey
- BUG when initializing with a 'const' with SGI C++ 2.0
Jeff Carey
- Saving money on a 4D/35...
Bridget Carragher
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Valter Cavecchia
- Installing g++-1.39 on an IRIS + problems
Valter Cavecchia
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Valter Cavecchia
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Valter Cavecchia
- Help with stereo
Andrew Certain
- GL discrepancies on IBM R6000
Andrew Certain
- How to get X-windows to run .
David Chasman
- Need help for MDQS
Dong Chen
- question about console
Dong Chen
- NFS access list problems
Andrew Cherenson
- Bug with /etc/config/login.options?
Andrew Cherenson
- Will/Does SGI support the 8500 exabyte?
Frank Chlebana
- ELM problem (for the curious).
Luc Chouinard
- TRACE for the IRIX !
Luc Chouinard
- getopt and C++
Dave Ciemiewicz
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Dave Ciemiewicz
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Dave Ciemiewicz
- Mirroring in Showcase
Dave Ciemiewicz
- (none)
Len Cleary
- SGI 3030
Benjamin Cline
- X server not starting on login
Gregg A. Cohen
- R4000
Michael M. Cohen
- Why doesn't tcsh die in console?
Paul Connally
- VME Bus error mesages on the console
Paul Connally
- Byte swapping on tape drives. (was: exabyte tape weirdness)
Simon Cooper
- TCP/NFS software for the PC
Brent Thomas Corkum
- Can a Sony video recorder be controlled from an SGI serial port?
Bill Coughran
- 3D binary data tranlsators to IGES
Carolyn Cox
- Need X11R4 for irix 3.3
Roger Critchlow
- ExaByte feom problem
- ExaByte feom problem
- Anybody had luck with psroff/showcase/epsf?
Steve Dahmen
- Query for Pmake Gurus on makeing libraries
Steve Dahmen
- Seeking IDEAS -> IRIS .rgb image conversion
Steve Dahmen
- csh and nfs
Alan Davis
- csh and nfs
Alan Davis
- FAQ - starting a window stowed
David Demers
- BSD dump/restore for SGI (does it handle active filesystems?)
Steve Dempsey
- more questions about dump/restore for the IRIS
Steve Dempsey
- SecretMail
Phil Dench
- SecretMail
Phil Dench
- Can I get more than 16M on a 4d70GT?
Phil Dench
- tcpdump
Finn Drablos
- SGI VGX Texturing
Bob Drebin
- Blending images
Bob Drebin
- IRIX 3.3.2 + 8 bitplanes -> ERROR #110 overlay: ...
Ashley Dreier
- Makefile madness
Brendan Eich
- csh and nfs
Brendan Eich
- problem with scandir
Brendan Eich
- NTP on IRIX 3.3.2
Brian Ellis
- gman
Dave Englund
- Jot editor and cursor colour
Peter Evans
- Problem starting X apps without csh
Tony Facca
- Material Definitions
Stefan Farestam
- fix for login
Stefan Farestam
- processes with eternal life ?
Stefan Farestam
- processes with eternal life & frequently asked questions
Stefan Farestam
Stefan Farestam
Stefan Farestam
- need lots of TeX fonts
Stefan Farestam
- tn3270, vt100 keyboards, IRIX 3.3...
Allan Fleming
- Schain botch 4 ...
Andre Foisy
- Dump/Restore for Iris
Lapique Francis
- find: stat() failed:
Marc Friedman
- .rgb -> Sun Rasterfile
Marc Friedman
- .rgb -> Sun raster
Marc Friedman
- PD Software
Marc Friedman
- dump and restore on 4D/380
Martin Frost
- How much cache does a 4D/20 have...
Sam Fulcomer
- Gnu Emacs using shared memory -- request
Russell J Fulton;ccc032u
- Gnu Emacs using shared memory -- request (ammended)
Russell J Fulton;ccc032u
- reading AND writing an exabyte tape
Russell J Fulton;ccc032u
- SGI C ANSI-complient or not???
Russell J Fulton;ccc032u
- problems installing nntp1.5.11
Russell J Fulton;ccc032u
- et signature=/usr/people/b/bobf/.signature
Bob Funchess
- Sounds on PIs: while we're at it...
Bob Funchess
- How to save pandora screen into a file?
John Fwu/BTI
- Printing large files using lpr
Hrishikesh Gadagkar
- Parallel Printer on PI 4D/20
Herbert M. Geller
- /debug
Eugene Gholz
- ShowCase distribution
Mike Gigante
- SGI GL compatible Graphics Libraries
Mike Gigante
- ShowCase distribution
Mike Gigante
- Power C problem
Mike Gigante
- console hanging problem
Arnold G. Gill
- how good is gcc/g++ on irises
Michael Gleicher
- Bug with /etc/config/login.options?
Glenn Randers-Pehrson, TBD|WMB
- layers for irix?
Tom Glinos
- SecretMail
Jeff C. Glover
- framemaker installation
Michael Gold
- framemaker installation
Michael Gold
- Fortran Statement lables
Steve Van Gorder
- exabyte tape weirdness
Ian Graham
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
Scott Le Grand
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
Scott Le Grand
- SGI data visualization program. What is the current status ??
Jamie Gulden
- SGI data visualization program. What is the current status ??
Jamie Gulden
- FAQ: sendmail and mail
Jamie Gulden
- FAQ: sendmail and mail
Jamie Gulden
- Do IRIS files systems fragment?
Bent Hagemark
- What I'd LOVE to see in SGI's NQS...
Bent Hagemark
- GWM for Silicon Graphics machine
Ivan Hajadi
- Correction on news posted 15-Feb-91 and 20-Feb-91
Mark Hall
- Blending images
Tim Hall
- zbuffering and lrectwrite
Tim Hall
- qgetfd on IBM RS6000 ?
Tim Hall
- IRIS Showcase
Jeff Hanson
- Portable replacement for CRAY *MS routines
Jeff Hanson
- gman
Jeff Hanson
- GNU C++
Paul H. Hargrove
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Paul H. Hargrove
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Michael Heathman
- /usr/bin/under
James Helman
- sgi-compaq deal
James Helman
- SGI + Compaq (again!)
James Helman
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
James Helman
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
James Helman
- FAQ? Re: Need X11R4 for irix 3.3
James Helman
- Hot flight simulator
James Helman
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
James Helman
- How to use DEC VMS from SGI telnet window running as iris-ansi-net type
- FAQ: How to use DEC VMS from SGI telnet window running as iris-ansi-net type
- The Time
Scott Henry
- Help with GNU Emacs
Scott Henry
- fsplit problems with $ and _
Jim Pflugrath in Hershey
- wsh Size=> Previous
Kipp Hickman
- wsh color escape sequences
Kipp Hickman
- Turning key-click off using wsh esc's; how?
Kipp Hickman
- The disk volume header... again
Jeremy Higdon
- reading AND writing an exabyte tape
Jeremy Higdon
- inode allocation bug.
David Higgen
- ELM on Iris
Paul Hilchey
- ELM problem (for the curious).
Paul Hilchey
- /debug
Paul Hilchey
- Second release of Apple2e emulator avail for ftp
Brendan Gallagher Hoar
- Terminfo entry for Sun
Tres Hofmeister
- Summary: Terminfo entry for Sun
Tres Hofmeister
- Info Cueing on SGI 3130
Steve Hollasch
- Transcript and lpr
Greg A. Hooten
- SGI data visualization program. What is the current status ??
Ian Hoyle
- SGI data visualization program. What is the current status ??
Ian Hoyle
- SGI data visualization program. What is the current status ??
Jeff P. M. Hultquist
- 38.4Kbaud
Andrew Hume
- noisy personal iris sound from /dev/audio
Jack Jansen
- wsh color escape sequences
Peter Jaspers-Fayer
- Bug with /etc/config/login.options?
Stan Johnson
- fix for login
Stan Johnson
- fix for login
Stan Johnson
- BSD dump/restore for SGI
Stan Johnson
- Dump/Restore for Iris
Stan Johnson
- NQS on SGI
Stan Johnson
- fixed /bin/login
Stan Johnson
- Problem with 4D-25S ?
Stan Johnson
- X windows and Motif development on SGI machines - marketing plans?
Dan Johnston
- Text input to xfig - what am I doing wrong?
Dan Johnston
Patrick Jonke
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
Michael Kandall
- PostScript to sgi imagelib conversion
Sureshbabu Katta
- Image File to Color Post Script
Anil Kaul
- mail looooop
Chuck Kennedy
Michael K. Kibler
- 3.3.2 Network Services
Michael K. Kibler
- Wishlist
Henrik Klagges
- Programming a printer driver (ARRG)
Henrik Klagges
- .gfo (radiosity), .bin (flip)
Henrik Klagges
- Le Corbusier, Radiosity, Greenberg & Architecture
Henrik Klagges
- sgi-compaq deal
Roger B.A. Klorese
- Difficulty w/ xdm on Silicon Graphics w/ NCD.
C. Harald Koch
- Help with Anon FTP (or still waiting for the FAQ to appear)
Lee F. Kolakowski
- Help with Anon FTP (or still waiting for the FAQ to appear)
Lee F. Kolakowski
- supercomputers, DGL, FDDI (longish)
William Krauss
- supercomputers, DGL, FDDI (longish)
William Krauss
- lockf()/lockd problems
Mike Krogh
- BSD dump/restore for SGI
John Kupec
- BSD dump/restore for SGI (does it handle active filesystems?)
Ken Lalonde
- more questions about dump/restore for the IRIS
Ken Lalonde
- What I'd LOVE to see in SGI's NQS...
U. Lang
- Showcase Problem
U. Lang
- Bug or feature of the level 2 C optimizer?
Robert Lansdale
- X-windows for 3130
Sebastien Lavier
- Drawing into backplanes
Andre Leblanc
- Thirdparty Memory for the SGI
Tim Lee
- FAX programs for IRIS
Sam Leffler
- manual browser for SGI
Sam Leffler
- manual browser for SGI
Sam Leffler
- csh and nfs
Stuart Levy
- questions about the status LED under the power switch
Tajen Liang
- Success compiling Perl 4.000 on Irix 3.3.
Kian-Tat Lim
- Advanced Visualizer by Wavefront Technologies
Robert Lindsay
- A problem with pmake
Dennis Linse
- A problem with pmake
Dennis Linse
- SGI C++ 2.0 Polymorphic Reference Bug
Mark Linton
- New product rumors?
- Perceptually equidistant color scale
- Perl 4.0 on the Iris
Martin Liversage
- Correction on news posted 15-Feb-91 and 20-Feb-91
Jacqui Logan
- Personal Iris lighting problems
Howard Look
- Greg Estes email address
Pedro Faria Lopes
- How to keep background processes from slowing down my program
Matthew A Machlis
- <None>
Matthew A Machlis
- C Bug (he meekly asks) ?
Rainer Malzbender
- C Bug (he meekly asks) ?
Rainer Malzbender
- How to keep background processes from slowing down my program
David Marks
- Transfering TIFF/PICT output to a Mac drawing program
David Marks
- setting up a tablet
David Marks
- mcvert needs timeb.h?
David Marks
- Help with stereo
David Marks
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
David Marks
- problems with "rsh tar"|dd
David Marks
- IRIX question
Sean Marrett
- FAQ - Netware for SGI systems (summary)
Sean Marrett
- Configuring a network - with small local disks - Help !!
Sean Marrett
- will CD-ROMS read ISO-9660 format?
Dave Martindale
- Need disk controller from SGI 2400/3000 series
Dave Martindale
- Bad free inode count in superblock
Jim Mason
- Incremental backups
J. Mazumder
- /usr/bin/under
John D. McCalpin
- Bug with /etc/config/login.options?
John D. McCalpin
- 4D/3x0 memory bandwidth
John D. McCalpin
- Does AIX have a function like sginap()?
John D. McCalpin
- YP(NIS) server not reacheable
Kenny McDonald
Kenny McDonald
- Dump/Restore for Iris
Kenny McDonald
- Anonymous Telnet account
Kenny McDonald
Kenny McDonald
- Erasable Optical Drive Info
Shannon McKenzie
- possible bug in f77 list-directed i/o
David McQueen
- tn3270 for VM/XA (was: Re: tn3270, vt100 keyboards, IRIX 3.3...)
John H Merritt
- f77 question about opening files
John H Merritt
- Opening units for stdin and stdout from fortran
John H Merritt
- Turning key-click off using wsh esc's; how?
John H Merritt
- sproc(2) and winopen() together
Marius Messerli
- getopt and C++
Mark V. Meuer
- Success compiling Perl 4.000 on Irix 3.3.
Mark V. Meuer
- 4MB SIMS for SGI 4D25(PI)
Avijit Moitra
- What I'd LOVE to see in SGI's NQS...
Jason Molenda
- adding 4 mbyte simms (not from sgi, naturally) to a 4d/25
Patricia Monger
- adding 4 mbyes simms to a 4d/25
Patricia Monger
- PostScript to sgi imagelib conversion
TP Monks
- crisp editor
TP Monks
- Can't locate file for: -lX11_s
Sjoerd Mullender
- patch for support for xterm -C on sgi
Sjoerd Mullender
- Showcase
R. Munroe
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
R. Munroe
- xdm
Spencer Murray
- SGI 2GByte TCP limit
Mike Muuss
- @host syslogd forwarding
Mike Muuss
- processes with eternal life & frequently asked questions
Mike Muuss
- BSD dump/restore for SGI
Mike Muuss
- Dump/Restore for Iris
Mike Muuss
- dump cannot read disk
Mike Muuss
- network data transfers scrambled
Mike Muuss
- Have a better lookat() ?
Andrew Myers
- NFS access list problems
- Iris 3030 monitor
Yvonne Nagel
- Interrupting long draw cycles
Reuel Nash
- SGI comments?
Bron Campbell Nelson
- SGI comments?
Bron Campbell Nelson
- sproc(2) and winopen() together
Bron Campbell Nelson
- WANTED: 2400 Series Video Board, NFS pkg.
Burr Nelson
- Personal Iris lighting problems
Benno Nieswand
- Biosym software
jkl at OSC.EDU
- dumping core during isosurface routines
Mark J. Oliver
- exabyte tape weirdness
Dave Olson
- The disk volume header... again
Dave Olson
- reading AND writing an exabyte tape
Dave Olson
- will CD-ROMS read ISO-9660 format?
Dave Olson
- ExaByte feom problem
Dave Olson
- Parallel Printer on PI 4D/20
Dave Olson
- Question about hard disk boot
Dave Olson
- Problem with 4D-25S ?
Dave Olson
- Did anybody get sendmail to work outside thier local domain?
Mike Powell "CFS Net Ops"
- getopt and C++
Mark Overmars
- problem with scandir
Mark Overmars
- input queue
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- The Time
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- WorkSpace+NFS+links
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- lpr & printcap
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- more about lpr & printcap
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- current state of HP laserjet + lp + lpr
rbriber at POLY1.NIST.GOV
- Anyone using Elite drives on SGI?
Art Hays - PSTAFF
- X server not starting on login...
Larry Pajakowski
- Do IRIS files systems fragment?
Larry Pajakowski
- Do IRIS files systems fragment?
Larry Pajakowski
- framemaker installation
Bill Palenske
- kernel panic message
Bill Palenske
- mountd svctcp errors filling up SYSLOG
Bill Palenske
- Problem with Pandora
Jean-Francois Panisset
- IRIX question
Costas Papas
- (none)
Jong Joon Park
- Thanks! 8Mb 3130
Jong Joon Park
- exabyte tape weirdness
Jim Patterson
- SecretMail
Rodian Paul
- SecretMail
Rodian Paul
- sgi-compaq deal
Rodian Paul
- SecretMail again
Rodian Paul
- uucp xferstats script
Rodian Paul
- /usr/mail/username protections
Rodian Paul
- SUN GT vs SGI 310 GTX
Misha Pavel
- quick 2D graphics
Frank Perdicaro
- Ksh version88
Anthony J. Persechini
- Motif GUI-builder?
System Admin Mike Peterson
- Scheme->C on SGI 4D series
Ramani Pichumani
- What do I have to do to get gethostbyaddr to work?
Paul W Placeway
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
Wayne Podaima
- SGI Screen Lock program (QUERY)
Bill Poitras
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
Michael Portuesi
- IRIS Showcase Tip #1 -- Shearing Objects
Michael Portuesi
- IRIS Showcase Tip #2 -- Composing In a Large Area
Michael Portuesi
- ShowCase distribution
Michael Portuesi
Jay Pound
- @host syslogd forwarding
Scott R. Presnell
- NTP on IRIX 3.3.2
Scott R. Presnell
- Anybody got ntp for the Iris?
Scott R. Presnell
- BSD dump/restore for SGI
Scott R. Presnell
- tcpdump
Scott R. Presnell
- bootparamd
Scott R. Presnell
- noisy personal iris sound from /dev/audio
Boy Programmer
- 4 Meg simms for 4d/25
Michael Schuh RAA
- fix for login
Sam Bassett RCS
- fix for login
Sam Bassett RCS
- fix for login
Sam Bassett RCS
- Anybody got ntp for the Iris?
Sam Bassett RCS
- Can I get more than 16M on a 4d70GT?
Sam Bassett RCS
- BSD print spooler problems
- processes with eternal life ?
Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966
- Frequently Asked Questions: UNIX OS w/answers from comp.unix.questions
Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966
- Frequently Asked Questions: C language from comp.unix.questions
Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966
- What is the setup to compile g++ 1.39 under IRIX 3.2 and 3.3?
Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966
- There are ksh clones. But the "real" ksh is AT&T lincensed software.
Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966
- How to use DEC VMS from SGI telnet window running as iris-ansi-net type
Randolph J. Herber, CD/DCD/SP, x2966
- current state of HP laserjet + lp + lpr
John "Jack" Repenning
- TeX, dvi2ps, and lp
Tony Reynolds
- Installing 4M SIMMs on Personal Iris
David Richardson
- Personal Iris lighting problems
Robert Ringrose
- Personal Iris lighting problems
Robert Ringrose
- fix for login
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- Z-buffer magic
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- dump/restore
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- texsgi 1.x (?)
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- ShowCase distribution
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- network data transfers scrambled
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- SUMMARY: scrambled network transfers
Loki Jorgenson Rm421
- eo drives
Maj. Dave Robinson
- XOR in GL?
Guido van Rossum
- XOR in GL?
Guido van Rossum
- ELM on IRISES (No write acces in /usr/mail ?)
Robert Rothe
- f77 question about opening files
Chris Roussi
- IRIX 3.3.2 + 8 bitplanes -> ERROR #110 overlay: ...
Arie Rudich
- REQ: customizing PANDORA
Arie Rudich
- syslog filtering (request)
Arie Rudich
- disk quota for IRIX 3.3.2 (request)
Arie Rudich
- users disk quota enforcement tool for IRIX 3.3.2 (request)
Arie Rudich
- g++-1.39.0 malloc problem
dixons%phvax.dnet at SMITHKLINE.COM
- Help - unix to vax to unix to postscript output
Carl Saxinger
- Trouble with input queue
Dan Schreiber
- Optimized blas1,2,3 available anonymous ftp
Olivier Schreiber
- NFS access list problems
Vernon Schryver
- fix for login
Vernon Schryver
- fix for login
Vernon Schryver
- fix for login
Vernon Schryver
- SGI 2GByte TCP limit
Vernon Schryver
- SecretMail
Vernon Schryver
- Help with Anon FTP (or still waiting for the FAQ to appear)
Vernon Schryver
- mailer error no
Vernon Schryver
- which and the current directory
Vernon Schryver
- TCP/IP Users Guide? (actually STREAMS vs. sockets)
Vernon Schryver
- Streams under IRIX?
Vernon Schryver
- point-to-point networks for PIs?
Vernon Schryver
- Did anybody get sendmail to work outside thier local domain?
Vernon Schryver
- gman
Rob Sears
- dump/restore
Berkley Shands
- Multiheaded 4d? (I need more than one console)
Chris Shenton
- Declassification program for IRIS's
Mike Sherwood
- How Good are the PI's
Brian Wong Shui
- ELM on IRISES (No write acces in /usr/mail ?)
Bill Silvert
- sendmail woes
Bill Silvert
- xterm: how do I switch windows?
Bill Silvert
- TCP/IP Users Guide?
Jonathon Sivier
- Communication over ethernet without TCP/IP
Jonathon Sivier
- The Future (64 bits) and SGI quad-word alignment
Robert Skinner
- sgi-compaq deal
Robert Skinner
- SGI C++ 2.0 Polymorphic Reference Bug
Robert Skinner
- Arenas
Robert Skinner
- Molecular Modeling Software Relase
Howard C. Smith
- Korn shell for IRIS (ksh)
Kamran Sokhanvari
- XView on sgi
Luis Soltero
- Interviews under irix 3.3.1
Luis Soltero
- zbuffering and lrectwrite
Mark Stadler
- zbuffering and lrectwrite
Mark Stadler
- Filmrecorders for SGI-workstations
Assi Prof. Stucki
- 2D or 3D plotting program
Roger Nelson - Grad Student
- Parallel Printer on 4D/60 (was Parallel Printer on PI 4D/20)
Roger Nelson - Grad Student
- Showcase Distribution
Brian Sturgill
- C Bug (he meekly asks) ?
Kartik Subbarao
- Schain botch 4 ...
- 64 bit arithmetic
Eric Swanson
- Showcase
Ann Sydeman
- Mirroring in Showcase
Ann Sydeman
- color postscript files from .rgb files
Ann Sydeman
- Showcase Distribution
Ann Sydeman
- iris-ansi-net on VMS
Jit Keong Tan
- iris-ansi-net on VMS
Jit Keong Tan
- 64 bit arithmetic
Jit Keong Tan
- 4sight .cutbuffer
Jit Keong Tan
- 4Sight .cutbuffer
Jit Keong Tan
- Mail return-receipt
Jit Keong Tan
- mailer error no
Jit Keong Tan
- Question about hard disk boot
Jit Keong Tan
- bootparamd
Jit Keong Tan
- supercomputers, DGL, FDDI (longish)
Gary Tarolli
- supercomputers, DGL, FDDI (longish)
Gary Tarolli
- noisy personal iris sound from /dev/audio
Seth Teller
- test
Teschner, Teschner
- fairly cool Array class for c++
Thant Tessman
- overlay and window manager
Thant Tessman
- Device driver question.
Hank Thidemann
- stdarg.h mostly broken (not using prototype, tsk)
Danny Thomas
- NTP on IRIX 3.3.2
Rick Thomas
- dump cannot read disk
Roberto Togneri
- g++-1.39 on iris - can it be done?
Roberto Togneri
- Installing g++-1.39 on an IRIS + problems
Roberto Togneri
- g++-1.39.0 malloc problem
Roberto Togneri
- What I'd LOVE to see in SGI's NQS...
Andrew Torda
- What I'd LOVE to see in SGI's NQS...
Andrew Torda
- What I'd LOVE to see in SGI's NQS...
Andrew Torda
- Need help with NFS on Personal IRIS
R. Michael Townsend
- Internet vs UNIX domain sockets
Scott E. Townsend
- Font Manager vs Postscript
Scott E. Townsend
- Developer's Forum Hotel Cancellation Policy
Alan Trimble
- Namelist input problem
John S. Tse
- Mixing X/Motif and GL on the IRIS?
Paul Turner
- VAX binary numbers
- Bug with /etc/config/login.options?
- Sekko Printer documentation
- High speed serial io @ 38.4K
- sgi-compaq deal
- sgi-compaq deal
- Interrupting long draw cycles
- fixed /bin/login
- Makefile madness
- Informix on sgi
- overlay and window manager
- Arenas
- FAM and Makefiles ?
- Have a better lookat() ?
- Software distribution (groan!)
- Arenas in full file systems.
- wsh color escape sequences
- iopen arguments
- Anti-aliased black lines?
- (none)
Marc Verreault
- using Font Manager routine in graphic object
Mary Vickerman
- f77 REWIND bug
Calvin H. Vu
- Arenas
Chris Wagner
- problem with scandir
Chris Wagner
- Problem starting X apps without csh
Rob Warnock
- Gnu Emacs using shared memory -- request (ammended)
Rob Warnock
- Anybody had luck with psroff/showcase/epsf?
Rob Warnock
- SecretMail
Rob Warnock
- 4sight .cutbuffer
Rob Warnock
- 3.3.2 Network Services
Rob Warnock
- tcsh
Mary Washburn
- Can't locate file for: -lX11_s
Jeff Weinstein
- Text input to xfig - what am I doing wrong?
Jeff Weinstein
- SEIKO printer documentation
Jack P. Weldon
- Top Dog - a sample IRIS Showcase document
Drew R Whitehouse
- supercomputers, DGL, FDDI
Drew R Whitehouse
- ShowCase distribution
Drew R Whitehouse
- Difficulty w/ xdm on Silicon Graphics w/ NCD.
Brent Alan Wiese
- shared custom icons
Ted Wilcox
- Transcript and lpr
Ted Wilcox
- help: RISC/6000 and IRIS 3020
Ted Wilcox
- SGI comments?
Tony Willis
- Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conference
Michael Wolfe
- SGI Software and support (was Showcase)
John D. Woolverton
- Failing 4D/70GT power supply.
Steve Wright
- copytape on SGI?
- ttyq17 hung up
- /usr/mail/username protections
- /usr/mail/username protections - are OK
- network printing problem: spool uncleaned
- network printing problem: problem solved.
- IRIS XallocColorCells failure
Mike Yang
- track package for software distribution
Arnold M. Yee
- fx Parameters for Micropolis 1558
Joshua Yeidel
- Showcase - SGI please respond!
Mike York
- SGI GL compatible Graphics Libraries
Nicholas Yue
- Undergraduate Engineering Education
Len Zaifman
- Help with error messages
Len Zaifman
- Houston Area SGI Users Group
Michael Zeitlin
- terminfo entry for sun
Brad J Zoltick
zyda res acct
- mail for Mike Gigante (mg at godzilla)
zyda res acct
- xdm
benno blumenthal
- processes with eternal life ?
John juancho buchanan
- processes with eternal life ?
John juancho buchanan
- 4 meg simms on 4D25/TG
John juancho buchanan
- CFORTRAN release for RISC Mips
burkhard burow
- Tahiti anyone?
dale chayes
- which and the current directory
dale chayes
- which and the current directory
dale chayes
- TCP/IP Users Guide?
dale chayes
- Streams under IRIX?
dale chayes
- Help with BIOSYM programs is needed!!!
pollanen at
- help needed with Biosym programs in IRIX
pollanen at
- IRIS 3130 Question.
newwave at
- Installing TeX 3.0 on a PI
gravishanker at
- f77 optimization
gravishanker at
- C++ available for sg 3030?
rsmith at
- Undergraduate Engineering Education
patrick fitzhorn
- Common-Lisp and CLOS?
patrick fitzhorn
- Second release of Apple2e emulator avail for ftp
randy frank
- Second release of Apple2e emulator avail for ftp
randy frank
- need lots of TeX fonts
arritt at
- SGI C ANSI-complient or not???
brownrigg at
- help: RISC/6000 and IRIS 3020
cheng at
- working for sgi - opinion?
charles lombardo
- Perl 4.0 on the Iris
- tn3270, vt100 terminals, IRIX 3.3.2...
Claude.P.Cantin at nrc.CA
- tn3270, vt100 keyboards, IRIX 3.3...
Claude.P.Cantin at nrc.CA
- 4 Meg SIMMs...
Claude.P.Cantin at nrc.CA
- sendmail woes
- VAX Fortran binary file
david pratt
- Arenas
david pratt
- setting up a tablet
KJB6 at
- Serial and Parallel printing
KJB6 at
- icut [scrsave/gl_readscreen] and RGB mode
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- setting up a tablet
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- /debug
dave "who can do? ratmandu!" ratcliffe
- Size of 4.0
kcables%k30b at
- SEIKO printer documentation
- VME AD converter board
kalle at
- optical disk drives on an Iris-4D
michael sintchak
- X server not starting on login...
michael sweet
- interrupting long draw cycles
michael sweet
- lpr & LaserJet+
michael sweet
- Makefile madness
michael sweet
- Problem with 4D-25S ?
michael sweet
- fsplit problems with $ and _
michael sweet
- C Bug (he meekly asks) ?
michael sweet
- C compiler bug!
michael sweet
- What I'd LOVE to see in SGI's NQS...
doelz at
- <None>
doelz at
- 4DDN(DECnet) mail
doelz at
- Re f77 and -static option
cbas25 at
- mcvert needs timeb.h?
- gl_impucode???
lam at
- SGI CD ROM Program
michael zyda
Last message date:
Sun Mar 31 15:16:37 AEST 1991
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:38:54 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).