more questions about dump/restore for the IRIS

Steve Dempsey sdempsey at UCSD.EDU
Tue Mar 19 07:57:22 AEST 1991

1. This version of 'dump' recognizes the letters 'b' and 'c' as part of the
   key argument, but these are not documented.  I'm probably safe in assuming
   that 'b' is used to specify blocksize, but what does 'c' do?

2. The README file indicates that the 'e' key causes directories to be dumped
   in EFS format, while the comments at the beginning of the dump.8 file
   say that 'e' dumps directories in BSD format.  Which way is it?

3. Is source available?
Steve Dempsey					voice:	  (619) 534-0208
Dept. of Chemistry Computer Facility, 0314	UUCP:	  ucsd!sdempsey
University of Calif. at San Diego		BITNET:	  sdempsey at ucsd
9500 Gilman Drive				INTERNET: sdempsey at
La Jolla, CA 92093-0314				fax:	  (619) 534-0058

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