working for sgi - opinion?

charles lombardo lombardo at TAURUS.CS.NPS.NAVY.MIL
Fri Mar 8 02:19:23 AEST 1991

Does anybody care to share with me your views on what it is like to
work for SGI?

What have your experiences been?
Benefits package?
Work environment?
Level of pay for the job?
Your own iris?
Stock options?
Retirement plan?
etc. etc.

Please feel free to respond if you have worked for or are currently
working for SGI or even if you have heard something.

Thanks in advance


| Charles P. Lombardo			|    lombardo at |
| Computer Science Department		|		 voice: 408-646-2102 |
| Naval Postgraduate School		|		 fax:   408-646-2814 |

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