Help with GNU Emacs
Scott Henry
scotth at
Fri Mar 8 19:20:25 AEST 1991
db> I downloaded the source of GNU emacs and built it. After I installed
db> it in /usr/bin (with it knowing where all of it's own directories
are), I discovered that although it would run "properly", it did
db> not recognize the arrow keys. Further, in doing the build, one
db> modifies the /src/config.h file. In it, it describes defining things
db> (or, more specifically, uncommenting them) if you are going to use
db> X. I did not perform the build in this manner, i.e. for X.
db> What is the relation between X and 4sight? Did I make the right guess
db> with regard to the build? How can I get the thing to recognize
db> the arrow keys (and hopefully the alt-key as a meta-key)?
When you are running GNU Emacs in curses display mode, the arrow keys are
enabled by the appropriate file in .../lisp/term/$TERM.el. There is no
iris-ansi.el standard, but it is straight-forward to hack one up from
vt100.el. Be sure to make a link as iris-ansi-net.el so that it works the
same when rlogging in. You will need to add the line
(if (not (eq window-system `x)) (enable-arrow-keys))
in your .emacs file.
There is a hack to 4sight that will convert the Alt keys into Meta keys
for use with emacs, however it breaks all other uses of the Alt key (this
is definitely and either/or situation). There is a better way (IMHO),
partly because the NeWS-based 4sight is going away in the next major release.
If you have the X runtime and (I'm not sure how much you need of) the X
development package, you should compile emacs with HAVE_X_WINDOWS and X11
and depending the exact release of Irix, you may or may not have to define
XBACKWARDS (this was added in 18.57) to get X resources to get handled
correctly (you'll have to experiment). Emacs runs fine as an X11 client
under 4sight, though not as nicely as under an X window manager. Arrow
keys and the Alt keys as Meta keys are enabled by default. There are elisp
packages that let you use the mouse for cutting, pasting, scrolling, etc.
I think the SKY-mouse package is the best of these.
If you have problems, I'll try to help you.
Good luck! and may the Emacs be with you :-) :^).
Scott Henry <scotth at> / Traveller on Dragon Wings
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