sgi-compaq deal
Robert Skinner
robert at
Tue Mar 12 03:50:06 AEST 1991
In article <JIM.91Mar9121809 at baroque.Stanford.EDU>, jim at baroque.Stanford.EDU (James Helman) writes:
|> From Dan's posting:
|> The people said Compaq initally proposed a merger with Silicon
|> Graphics, in January, prompting the smaller company to adopt to
|> adopt a so-called poison pill anti-takeover measure in early
|> February. While Silicon Graphics prefereed to remain independent,
|> it has in the past sold small stakes to Control Data Corporations
|> and to HNK, the Japanese broadcasting company. Both companies
|> declined to comment on any possible deal.
|> I have the NYT article in front of me. Dan's account is accurate except
|> for typos. "HNK" should read "NHK."
|> Does anyone know why CDC, NHK or Prime invested in SGI? I don't recall
|> any joint product efforts.
|> -jim
|> Jim Helman
|> Department of Applied Physics Durand 012
|> Stanford University FAX: (415) 725-3377
|> (jim at Work: (415) 723-9127
As far as I know, Dan's original article was accurate, except for the
HNK -> NHK typo and stating that Silicon Graphics was based in Houston
(Compaq is).
SGI OEMs IRIS 4D systems to CDC and Prime, to be sold under their
I think we bought back CDC's equity last year. NHK still owns a piece,
and I don't know about Prime.
Robert Skinner
robert at
When the movie is over and everyone leaves the theatre,
the accumulated sound leaves with them.
It spreads out across the parking lot to become
forever part of the landscape.
The film is a gift to the surrounding community.
-- David Byrne, about the film "Stop Making Sense"
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