4DDN(DECnet) mail
doelz at urz.unibas.ch
doelz at urz.unibas.ch
Sun Mar 31 00:06:11 AEST 1991
In article <9103291756.aa17838 at VGR.BRL.MIL>, levine%351m.decnet at SCFB.NWC.NAVY.MIL ("351M::LEVINE") writes:
> Does anyone know of software that allows a user on an IRIS
> running IRIX 3.3.1 with 4DDN to send and receive mail with other DECnet
> nodes?
4DDN 2.0 will support this feature. If you are running this already, you
must define 4DDN in the sendmail.cf as special mailer.,
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