NTP on IRIX 3.3.2
Rick Thomas
rbthomas at frogpond.rutgers.edu
Wed Mar 13 19:10:39 AEST 1991
> Has anybody got ntp running on a SGI. We're running IRIX 3.3.2 on a SGI
Well, I can't help with ntp, but I have xntpd running on about a half
dozen 4D/xxx machines here at Rutgers. There are some patches
necessary to make it work right. I will be posting them here soon
unless somebody e-mails me with a better place to send them to. With
my patches, xntpd runs quite well and the SGIs keep much better time
than the flock of Suns sitting next to them on the same net.
Rick Thomas, Manager
Supercomputer Remote Access Center, Rm D117
Rutgers University, College of Engineering
Brett and Bowser Roads
Piscataway, NJ 08855-0909
Phone: (908) 932-4301
Internet: rbthomas at jove.rutgers.edu
UUCP: {any backbone site}!rutgers!rbthomas
Alternate UUCP: {convex|c1apple|karna}!kingtut!rbthomas
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