processes with eternal life & frequently asked questions
Stefan Farestam
farestam at ORION.CERFACS.FR
Fri Mar 8 04:30:11 AEST 1991
No, I'm not working on evangelist processes, and by the way the
'eternal life' was quite short, like 10 hours or so...
It seemed like I had feeded the popup menu functions with
garbage, and that it all hanged up somewhere in NeWS (SYSLOG
indicates that this was the case). As hinted at above the
processes finally died away, maybe they caught the kill -9
signals, maybe they didn't.
On a related issue; It would probably be a good idea to store
a file somewhere (on an ftp-able site) with frequently asked
questions (like the contributions sent by Randolph J. Herber
<HERBER at>), both on unix and sgi-related issues.
One topic which seems to pop up regularly is the issue of
software installation guidelines. Like :
'How do I install g++ on a 4D20 IRIX 3.3.1'
'binaries for tex ? ftp-able ?'
'gemacs on 3130'
Maybe this information, once it is answered on the net, could be
stored in a systematic way somewhere ? Anyone is interested to
spend some time and energy to come up with a workable system,
as well as some diskplace to store the info (the requirements
would probably be fairly low since one would only store information,
not actual code) ?
Stefan Farestam
. Stefan Farestam <farestam at> .
. __ __ __ _ _ _ .
. / |_ )|_ /_\/ ( European Centre for Research and .
. \_ |__\| / \__) Advanced Training in Scientific Computation .
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