FAQ - Netware for SGI systems (summary)
Sean Marrett
neuro at McRCIM.McGill.EDU
Tue Mar 26 08:03:42 AEST 1991
Fellow Neophytes:
Some time ago ( three weeks, to be exact), I posted a message with a plea for
information useful to SGI neophytes like myself en-lieu of a Frequently Asked
Questions posting (which, as an admittedly occasional reader of comp.sys.sgi)
still seems like a good idea to me. Anyways, I got some responses, and had
some luck in building various things, so here is the summary of responses.
Thanks to those who replied:
Sorry to say but there really isn't a good repository of IRIX software.
ftp.brl.mil in the info-iris directory has some items but it is not
1. With some help from hellman at Stanford, the foobar.colorado.edu
distribution of gcc and g++ works.
2. I only recently managed to get TeX 3.0 up. The trick was to retangle
3. We use the texsgi previewer from ftp.brl.mil. Not the best but passible.
4. gnuemacs from monash.edu.au.
5. Interviews from sgi.com.
6. gnuplot2.02 from ames.arc.nasa.gov.
The two best places to check are
vgr.brl.mil [] [] - Official ftp site for SGI stuff.
godzilla.cgl.rmit.oz.au []
Which has the following
There are some handy SGI binaries here. Help yourself!
tex-on-sgi.tar.Z -- complete working TeX and previewer distribution
Note: due to an error on my part, you should
also grab the binary texsgi and manually copy it
to /usr/local/bin. Apologies for that..
texsgi.tar.Z -- src distribution of the PK version of texsgi
emacs.tar.Z -- complete working emacs (18.55) and xemacs distribution
gcc.tar.Z -- complete working gcc distribution
ghostscript.tar.Z -- complete working Ghostscript distribution
Personally, I am quite happy with the Xdvi previewer, which has the advantage
(or disadvantage) of using pk fonts directly, w/o being converted into native
X11 fonts. I retrieved this directly from export.lcs.mit.edu, and it pretty
much worked directly out of the box. Remember to set the apprpriate flags in
the Makefile to indicate that sysV is being used, and appropriate flags for
terminal libraries. tcsh also pretty much worked out of the box as well.
As far as gnuemacs (18.57) is concerned, again, i got that to build directly
from the prep.ai.mit.edu repository. I wish I could turn off the annoying bell,
though, and we still have some problems with ispell.
I hope this is of some help to some other neophytes. I'd volunteer to put
together a FAQ list, except that I am an SGI know-nothing. On second thought,
maybe that's an advantage.
Sean Marrett
sean at petvax.medcor.mcgill.ca
neuro at moe.mcrcim.mcgill.ca
McConnell Brain Imaging Center
Montreal Neurological Institute
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