Schain botch 4 ...
Andre Foisy
foisy at McRCIM.McGill.EDU
Fri Mar 8 05:55:46 AEST 1991
I have a small problem with the c preprocessor. I compile a file with
cc -DVOL=volatile -G 0 -O -c -I. vector.c
and get
(ccom): vector.c, line 2138: ccom: Internal: schain botch 4.
My brain goes dead when I see that message. I was told that I can
get around it by moving declarations from within blocks to outside. It
works but the problem is that AKCL generates the c when it compiles, I
will not always go and fix the c source.....
Is there a fix somewhere????
Andre Foisy McGill Research Centre for Intelligent Machines
foisy at Computer Vision and Robotics Lab
McGill University, Montreal
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