Undergraduate Engineering Education

patrick fitzhorn patrick at longs.LANCE.ColoState.EDU
Wed Mar 13 06:25:25 AEST 1991

I am interested in corresponding with SGI owners whose machines
are entirely used for undergraduate engineering education.

What courses are they used for?
Any freshman engineering classes?
Are applications packages used, or do students write their own software?
What languages and graphics packages do the students use?
Are the machines used at the Department level, College level, University

We are considering the replacement of our collection of 24 Evans &
Sutherland PS300's with SGI equipment, but are somewhat concerned
about the apparent lack of an interactive graphics environment such as
an interpreted PHIGS.  Although our students typically write all code
they require, the language is an interpreted data-flow PHIGS-like
language that is extremely easy to learn: no C or Fortran wizardry
or mastery of a number of procedural graphics calls is necessary to 
build and manipulate quite complex visual environments.


Patrick Fitzhorn            !  
Mechanical Engineering      ! Then remembering he was an automaton,
Colorado State University   ! he decided to  spend the night at the
Fort Collins, CO  80523     ! Hotel du Determinisme.
(303) 491-5505              !                           (P. Morand)

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